
Friday, September 09, 2022

Tech tool offers police ‘mass surveillance on a budget’

Local law enforcement agencies from suburban Southern California to rural North Carolina have been using an obscure cellphone tracking tool, at times without search warrants, that gives them the power to follow people’s movements months back in time, according to public records and internal emails obtained by The Associated Press.


  1. We won't mention the Chinese apps on the phone,many of which, have access to almost everything on the phone....

  2. “we have no way of linking signals back to a specific device or owner,”

    RRRiiiggghhhttt and I've got a bridge to sell you. This tool, along with those fake cell tower devices, Stingray, surrenders a person's ID toot sweet.

    Here's a couple clues. Don't bring a tracking device with you when you're out and about. If you insist on carrying a tracking device with you, turn off location services, WIFI and Blue Tooth; then TURN OFF YOUR PHONE. Also, turn off access to location services from all your apps. Iphones allow apps to request permission to track you if location services is turned off, which you can deny.

    If you use your phone for directions, either look up direction info on your computer at home and WRITE IT DOWN or buy old school direction info, road maps.

    Finally use an end to end encrypted app to phone and text like Telegram, Whatsapp or Signal among others. The only drawbacks to using these encrypted apps is that the person you're communicating with needs to have the same app on their end and they can still be tracked through the phone's radio signal when in use. Plan accordingly.

    One note on encrypted apps. From what I've read, Signal is the most secure. That's why drug dealers use it.


    1. It’s pervasive.

      Not just cell phones.

      Smart TV



      The list goes on.




      If you know what those acronyms mean you get it.

    2. Turning the phone off isn't enough. Remove the battery if you have a phone with a removable battery. Otherwise, put the phone into an RF bag (Faraday cage) to block radio signals. Make sure it's off, though, or at least in airplane mode, else it will waste battery power constantly trying yo connect to a cell tower. Phones can be hacked to indicate location services and GPS are off, but they're actually on. They can also appear to turn off normally, but they're actually still on and be a microphone.

  3. Reason #65463565235 why I STILL don't have a mobile phone.

    Whitehall, NY

  4. I never carry a cell phone. why make anything easy for them. bad enough I have damn GPS in the damn truck. can't wait until I get my old 94 truck back from the shop.

  5. Remember that they aren't able to track a person; they're tracking a phone. Keep that in mind and act accordingly.


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