
Friday, September 23, 2022

The Paradox of Multiculturalist Globalism

Late-stage liberalism, philosophically speaking, is an incoherent mess. Its boosters claim to be defenders of women, but they allow men to infiltrate women’s spaces and women’s sports, eliminating hard-won victories that feminists achieved over decades. They claim race is a “social construct,” something that has no scientific basis in nature or biology, but the “critical race theory” doubles-down on the idea that racial identity is the single most important feature of one’s personhood. Liberals insist upon the importance of bodily autonomy as a condition of personal freedom, arguing that any restriction of abortion is an assault on human dignity. But they also gave strong support for mandatory masking and forced vaccinations to protect against a virus that 99 percent of people survive.

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate the way Professor Ellwanger pointed out liberal inherent contradiction. Very clear argument. "The American Mind" is an excellent site. Thank you for posting this.


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