
Thursday, September 29, 2022

Two words: Louisville Slugger

A Van Nuys homeowner is demanding action from police because a homeless man keeps camping out on her porch.


  1. Don't they have fire ants in California?

  2. Bucket of water at 3 am. Pepper spray. Skunk scent.

    1. She could also pee in a bucket for a few days, then dump that on him. I guess they could DNA test him to see if he pissed himself, though.

  3. You guys keep it up. I'm sticking around to take notes...

  4. Coming soon to Illinois! Can't she get a restraining order then have him tossed in jail?

  5. Live with what you vote for

  6. Doberman comes to mind . I had three fellers that followed my 13 year old daughter home from school one day threatening all the way to rape her because she wasn't a fan of diversity . When she told me about it trembling and crying I turned our Doberman we called DooDoo loose on them and she had to have bit all three at least a hundred times each . DooDoo was such a good girl . She looked good withy that pink foam all over her muzzle .

  7. The problem isn't that there aren't ways to motivate him to leave. The problem is it's Kommiefornia....the bum has rights, the homeowner doesn't. If she does anything she'll be the one the state bends over and screws.

    1. Dan is correct. She can't do anything, lest she violate his rights. She has none. If he gets hurt is any way, he sues her, and wins....

    2. The movie "Pacific Heights", starring Michael Keaton, is based on that stupidity in California law.

    3. Sadly Dan, Skwab & Shell are steel on target. Also if you can believe it these "folks" have some high power poverty pro bono lawyers also. I sure miss the Old California circa 1959 to 1984!

  8. no way to lock it up. its wide open. Guess the first thing I would do is remove all furniture. nothing for Mr. squatter to sit on . And , although skunk smell would maybe make him leave , you are stuck with it , so bad idea. How about sonic warfare ? hide speakers and play awful irritating noise like rabbits screaming , babies crying ,sirens , jackhammers and Cardi-B ?

  9. awwww. Invite him in. He's a 'victim'. I know. give him a ticket to Martha's (Karen's) Vineyard.

  10. Like a hugely annoying barking dog, never get the police involved. One never hears about electricity.


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