
Friday, September 02, 2022

We don't go for that Rainbow shit here in Macon County

What began as a tribute to pets who have crossed over the “rainbow bridge” is now the topic of a major controversy in Macon County. 

As many know, Shaun Trent of Trent’s Progrounds has been creating artwork on the Macon County Football field for many years, but his latest creation was painted over before last Friday’s football game. 

The painting (pictured with this story) included an image of a rainbow with silhouettes of pets crossing over it, to represent those beloved animals that are waiting for us on the other side and in honor of Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day, which is celebrated August 28.

UPDATE: Aaaaand the paper pulled the article from the online edition but samoore sent in a link to the story from the Sacramento Bee.
You can read the article and see the photo HERE


I have to tell you, I'm rolling with the artist on this one. Everybody from 6 years old on up knows about that lovely Rainbow Bridge and its meaning. Most of us know about it all too well.
I don't know a thing about the artist, his politics or his sexuality, but this seems like it was just a nice gesture and should've been taken as intended.
Now, if the artwork didn't have the silhouettes of pets on it, just a rainbow, that would be a different story because of the symbolism and I'd be all for not allowing it because that shit doesn't belong in a school or any of its events.
Just my two cents worth.


  1. Error 404 Article not found at the jump Nemo

    1. Fuckers. I updated the post telling what happened.

  2. Replies
    1. I updated the post to fill y'all in on what happened.

  3. Your two-cents is priceless.

  4. They yanked the link...

    1. I updated the post to fill y'all in on what happened.

  5. I never knew anything about a rainbow bridge until you mentioned it a couple months back. Perhaps it's not as well known in certain parts of the country.

    1. I've lived in quite a few parts of the country over the years and have had the not-particularly-pleasant experience of joining the grieving friends and relatives left behind more often than I like to think about. I have to say that up until 'bout a month ago or so, I'd never heard a pastor (or anyone else, for that matter) speak of "the rainbow bridge."

  6. Here's an article from the SacBee:

    1. Thank you! I just updated the story with your link.
      Damn, that story made it all the way to Sacramento? Wonder if we'll get any protesters to fight?

  7. Yeah, my wife knew the guy, her dad was a maintenance man in the school for 30 years. He was as conservative as they come. I'm tired of the queers just taking what they want. Rainbows aren't gay.

    1. I'm with you on that. Not only did the fags and carpet-munchers steal a symbol of God they stole a perfectly good word, too - gay. Call them Sodomites.

  8. I never associated the rainbow bridge with anything other than where I’ll meet my little friends that have gone on before.

  9. Too bad. The story of the Rainbow Bridge always brings a tear to my eye. I’ve got a lot of company waiting for me on the other side.

  10. I take it as the bridge to Asgard, pray we are worthy of our pets to travel with them to Valhalla

  11. I didn't of course see the article mentioned, but from your description, I have to agree with you completely. I don't think that the intent of the artist was anything but to honor our pets passing. If it was, then of course I don't find it to be appropriate in that setting. Anymore than a drag queen reading to young children in a school setting.
    As far as the entire gay issue, I have no problem with a discussion of the entire gay/straight/trans issue in a high school class on say, health or even civics. Not speaking about the actual physical and emotional portions of sexual and gender identities, but on the fact that they are totally entitled to all of the same rights as any other person in America, and why that is, based upon our American idea of fairness, etc.

    1. Go back to the post. The Sacramento Bee picked it up and one of my readers was kind enough to send in the link for me to post.

  12. Maybe there's a way to suggest to the rednecks that letting gay people take away your appreciation of a symbol of loss and compassion for beloved animals is not terribly manly, now is it? More like giving in. More like, being scared of how someone else thinks of it. How's it feel to give in - boy?

    And what the hell do these folks do when a real rainbow appears in the sky?

    1. We remember the ORIGINAL meaning of the rainbow--as God's promise to Noah that He would never again destroy the earth by water. See Genesis chapter 9, verses 12 thru 16. If you can bring yourself to touch a Bible, that is.

    2. Next time He's gonna do it with fire.

    3. If those who think that 1) the 12kya solar micronova is a thing, and 2) we're due for the next event, that fits well with the Biblical story. P.S. It's legit, and we're due.

    4. The six-color gay pride rainbow was designed as a deliberate mockery of the original sign-from-God rainbow has seven colors (some people think six symbolizes satan and seven symbolizes the Lord), and use it as a shorthand communication. Take a look around the next time you're in a store or driving through a town or past schools; the different team allegiances are easy to pick up on once you notice, and you'll probably notice it lots of places these days.

  13. I know a guy from Auburn who despises the song Sweet Home Alabama because the university of Alabama has taken it over. Just like the alphabet people have claimed the rainbow. But I still go outside when I see a rainbow and dont have a second thought of the perverse people.

  14. Just when you think the crazy can't get any worse, crazy says, "Hold my beer."

    I don't know what will happen to me when I die. Maybe I just stop. But if I don't, I'll have Khyber, Harlow, and ZsaZsa waiting.

  15. Oh FFS. Just goes to show stupid assholes are not limited to the prog side. This "rainbow bridge" has nothing to do with having shitty dicks and MPX.

    If they want to get their panties into a bunch over the Rainbow Bridge then they should worry about the "pagan symbolism" of Bifrost (no, NOT switch-hitting degenerates, not that "bi"). Now that would be stupid too, but at least it would be logical in its stupidity.

  16. Whatever. Whatever. Whatever. I WANT MY RAINBOW BACK! It used to be the symbol of happiness and lightheartedness. I might've been the last person in America to find out that isn't what it means anymore. Women kept hitting on me because of my rainbow NO DRILLING sticker on my car. Sheesh. Gross. --nines

  17. I'm a Robertson County hillbilly and proud of it, but we have to admit that not all the folks in northern Middle Tennessee are the sharpest tools in the shed. Unfortunately, some would fit right into any torches 'n' pitchforks, 'burn the witch' crowd.
    Every community has dumbasses, and we're not immune.
    --Tennessee Budd

  18. I never heard of the rainbow bridge until this article. But, I was raised Southern Baptist, and they were sort of light on the joy and happiness part of life. But, the fags have co-opted the rainbow symbol to the point that many people would not want to be even passively supportive. I could go on, but I will let it rest here.

  19. A real rainbow should have seven colors, so if you're painting one, get it right. That way there's no doubt that you're not wanting to paint the corrupted tranny rainbow with its wrong and missing colors.

  20. Just because the fags use the rainbow as a symbol don't mean they own. Everything is just fucked up today. Everybody is weak hurt pung tang.

  21. Here is one about 9/11


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