
Thursday, October 13, 2022

Commentary: Liberal Media Brazenly Spin Rising Violent Crime as Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy

Violent crime remains intolerably high, but the left wants you to think that perception is just a concoction of right-wing media.

After more than a decade of violent crime decreases with just a few interludes, crime has shot back up to levels not seen since the early 1990s.

When the left acknowledges this fact, it often does so by tying the violent crime increase to the sale of guns. However, there’s no evidence that the additional crimes are being committed by law-abiding gun owners.


I don't know about you but I'm getting a little sick and tired of the term 'law-abiding gun owners'.
Why don't they just say 'White people'?


  1. DC announced an other 8.2% right-wing-conspiracy-misinformation inflation rate.

    1. Ahahahhahahahahahahahahhaha thats great. Steve in KY

  2. We know they are lying, they know they are lying, but the dull eyed mouth breathers, meh not so much.

    1. They know we know they're lying but they don't care. They're obsessed neurotics who live, eat and breath 24/7 control. They have only one goal in life and that's to destroy those who don't agree with them.

  3. Never heard one Demonrat say they're going after the criminal gun owners

  4. It's more than just us White folks buying guns. A large percentage of the gun purchases are by the ethnic "minorities". A million+ guns a month along with the 50+ million rounds of ammunition purchased may one day make for an intense fireworks display. Oh, wait. Whites are the worlds ethnic minority.

    Evil Franklin

  5. As the late, great Richard Pryor once said- "I don't care what you THINK you saw, I was not fucking her. You going to believe me, or your lying eyes?"

  6. 85,000 gun-toting IRS agents = right wing conspiracy?

  7. Why not just say white people? Well, Colion Noir, for one - and there are others.

  8. Well, let's put on our thinking caps, apply a little critical thinking, and evaluate the claim that "there’s no evidence that the additional crimes are being committed by law-abiding gun owners". Since a crime is, by definition, breach of law, the statement is in fact a tautology (a statement so framed that it cannot be denied without inconsistency). There, I solved the riddle.

  9. that sounds like interisting stuff, keep going


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