
Friday, October 14, 2022


An Adelanto man was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol early Thursday morning. His arrest comes months after he was released on bail while awaiting trial for DUI manslaughter.


  1. Adelanto is the city which bought a bunch of industrial buildings, kicked out the manufacturing tenants, then turned the buildings into pot farms. A few short years later, millions of taxpayer's money went down the drain, or up in smoke, whatever metaphor you prefer.

    Its also the home of the Morlocks or Mongrels or whatever they call themselves. Some shops there have banned wearing white T shirts or red socks as they are gang colors. Lowlife animals from LA congregate there.

  2. The CHP officer that hit head on the car I was a passenger in had been fired that morning for drinking on the job. He had been reprimanded twice for the same.

    He sat all day in a cop bar drinking himself blind. The bartenders had actually changed shift while he was still pounding them back. I guess they don't cut you off in cop bars.

    His truck came to rest square on against a telephone pole. He was slumped over the wheel when I came to see about him. But then he opened the door to stick his handgun in my face. I got the message and skedaddled.

  3. October 6th marked 19 years since my 28 year old daughter was killed by a drunk driver. He also received a. DUI while out on bail. He was convicted on the vehicular manslaughter. He served 3 years of an 8 year sentence. Son of a prominent dr. My wife divorced me after 31 years so she could drink herself to death. She succeeded 3 years later.

    1. I am so sorry to hear that. Three lives profoundly affected, two lost.

    2. I also am sorry about such a horror. I wish that the laws were such that one DUI was it, and you lost your ability to drive again. It would likely not stop all of these senseless deaths and injuries, but it certainly would make a difference.


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