
Thursday, October 27, 2022

Icelandic Chickens: Everything You Need to Know

Thinking about raising some chickens either for meat, eggs, or even as a pet? Icelandic chickens might be the right fit for you.

This breed also called pile chickens, has a rich history with vital Viking blood.

Despite their “threatened” population status, they are a strong breed.

Being self-sufficient, Icelandic chickens can hold their own against the weather and predators. 

If you are a first-time chicken owner or require a low-maintenance chicken, Icelandic chickens are perfect for you.


  1. yea, but how are they in a shield wall?

  2. Don't really need chickens but do they have any low maintenance beautiful viking women? If so do they deliver???,

  3. Need heat tolerance in Texas

  4. I once ate an Icelandic chicken as part of a "Viking Meal." It had the smallest drumsticks I ever saw. The flavor was good. Dessert was chicken hearts baked in honey. Lots of kale in the meal, too.



  5. "This breed also called pile chickens, has a rich history with vital Viking blood."

    I always suspected Vikings were perverts.

  6. I enjoy these chicken posts. Haven’t seen one in a while.

    We added five chicks to the flock this spring, and I have to say the most beautiful of the lot is a black australorp. we’ll see how hearty she is.


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