
Friday, October 14, 2022

Maryland's largest school district sees over 500 percent increase in non-binary, trans students

Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS), Maryland’s largest public school district, saw a 582 percent increase in the number of students identifying as gender-nonconforming in the last two years, according to internal information posted by an educator on Twitter, the Daily Caller reports. 

The data comes from forms school counselors are required to fill in whenever a student comes to them to talk about issues related to gender identity. The self-reported stats appear to indicate an enormous near-sevenfold increase in gender-questioning students in just two years.


  1. Not mentioned is that no graduates in the district know how to read, write or do math, but then that's not really what public schools are all about, is it?

  2. more baby sheep followin' the Judas ram - betcha their parents still haven't taken off their facediapers

  3. Propaganda works.
    In addition to the depredation of the images and heritage of White America, is there a child in America today that hasn't stumbled upon images and even clips of sodomy and homosexual sex. Or received it as a homework assignment.

  4. Montgomery County, Maryland is THE most liberal county in the state. Due to its very high population density, it influences state politics WAY more than it should. It is also gerrymandered into a voting district that absorbs and negates the vote of many much more conservative areas, like all the way out to Boonsboro, in Washington County.

    It is a 'bedroom community to DC and is sociologically polluted by liberal DC trash, many of whom are firmly entrenched government workers, existing only by and for bigger government. Most people that don't thrive on that shit, like the productive, conservative portion of the population, avoid MoCo like the nasty fucking plague that it is.

    Upside: Big, well-fed deer population with some of the biggest trophy whitetail bucks in Maryland.


  5. An 14 year old autistic girl I knew who was desperate for attention first identified as possibly gay (teachers applaud). She comes out as definitely gay (teschers: oh, you're so brave). She says she is trans (teachers: standing ovation). Covid hits. After staying home for 6 months without the teachers influence, she's wearing dresses, favorite color is pink, and has a crush on the boy next door.

    Everyone of the @$$holes pushing trans needs to be charged with child endangerment and fired from school districts.

  6. 500 percent increase? Ok, the last time they checked the numbers, it was only one. Then later, checked again, and found five total. Yup that's a huge increase.

  7. One day in the future, these birds will come home to roost. I AM SURE, it will be sight I could care less about. They chose, with bad advise. AND nothing will happen to the cheerleaders


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