
Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Number Of Trans Youth in 2021 Up 70% From 2020, 9 Reasons Why Media Is At Fault

In 2020, there were roughly 24,000 new diagnoses of gender dysphoria from kids aged 6-17 but in 2021, that number has nearly doubled in size to more than 42,000 cases. Reason being? The media and society recruiting today’s impressionable kids to force the leftist, progressive narrative and facilitate delusions of gender dysphoria.


  1. In an other few years democrats will blame republicans for all those poor transwhatsoever kids there are. And they'll promise to take care of them.

  2. Everybody involved with this stuff needs to be killed, outright and on the spot, no exceptions.

  3. John Connor II did a great post on the trans nonsense.
    Go read it!

  4. No wonder we're starting to see "transgender mass shooters." I guess it's just a numbers game. Crazy how the media can suddenly be honest about "a man dressed up as a woman" again when it fits the narrative.

  5. Here in the state of Victoria, our leftist government has brought out a new law, where you can't try and help someone if they want help with this sickness and you must refer them with their preferred pronoun, you can go to prison and pay a fine.


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