
Thursday, October 13, 2022

Oh shit, Biden knifed firmly in the back by the Ayrabs

A bombshell statement from Saudi Arabia states the Biden administration reached out and pleaded with them to delay the OPEC deal to cut oil production until after the midterms. 

Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud said Thursday morning that US officials 'suggested' postponing the decision to reduce output by two million barrels a day by a month until after November 8, when millions of Americans will cast their ballots.


  1. It is predictable that an administration as inept as this one would appeal to the Saudis for help getting themselves out of a hole of their own making, their disastrous energy policies. It is also predictable that, once the Saudis announced the 2 mm bbl/day cuts, that the Biden Administration would cynically ask them to delay it, to minimize the political damage. What they're really screaming about, is the Saudi's disrespect: They think so little of Biden, and so little of Biden's diplomatic and political authority, that they don't mind showing him up as weak and incompetent - which he is. Arabs have only contempt for the weak.

  2. No matter what anyone believes the Saudis are not our friends. But this was an enormous middle finger directed at Pedo Joe and the current crop of criminals in power.

    1. I concur.
      The arabs lie and cheat. Its been in their culture for millennia. But they expect to be dealt with honestly.
      Yes, that's crazy, yes on its face it makes no sense. But its absolutely true.
      And at the end of the day, the arab will be arm in arm with his brother. No matter what.

  3. But wait, are you saying to me that the Biden administration attempted to have a foreign government interfere in our elections?

    1. You nailed it, my friend.
      But MSM will let them weasel out of it by saying "All they asked for was a month delay. The upcoming elections were never mentioned."

      Lord, I despise these people.

    2. Rhetorical, check. Compulsion to answer, check! …..yes!!

    3. Just one more thing they do that any Republican would be roasted for doing. I mostly fault the blind and closed minded sheeples. The commie leftists are fairly open with what they are doing yet way too many think anyone else, including true liberals, are to blame and are the facists.

  4. Can I assume this is on CNN 7*24?
    Can't check for it myself because I stopped watching CNN on November 9, 2016.

    1. I watched CNN on election night, and still fondly remember their faces when they realized their favorite b.tch had not won. But until then I had fun watching their total arrogance and disrespect for Trump. The day after election it turned into PURE HATRED and that's when I decided I had enough.

    2. I stopped watching CNN in 1995 after one day, at the top of the hour, Susan Rook looked seriously into the camera and told us that a recent survey had shown that (summarizing, not an exact quote) rich people get better health care than poor people.

  5. Lets Go Brandon, Fuck joe biden

  6. Seems the Saudis like Trump better than Joe too.


    1. No, they don't like Trump, but they respect him.

  7. That's what he deserves for using his position to try to gain favoritism for the Democrat Party instead of the country. Trying to give a temporary boost to our petroleum situation until after the elections. Absolutely asking the Saudi's to assist him in manipulating our elections.

  8. FJB and all the damned political theater from both sides....but especially the f'ing D's

  9. "No one fucks with a Biden."
    'SLAP !!' Reality check.
    "There will be consequences."
    > Ringy Ding Ding <
    Saudi Prime minister Mohammed bin Salman:
    "My friend Vladmir, I trust you are well.
    Yes, I am doing well, also. As you know I've
    turned down Pedo Joe's request & he has
    threatened to withdraw military support.
    Can you step in and assist us?
    Excellent! The AKs function so much better in
    our environment than the M-16s, which we are
    selling to the Mexican cartels
    My people will be in touch with your people to
    seal the deal.
    Dasvidaniya, my friend!"

  10. If a foreign government, any foreign government, every foreign government, refuses to loot their citizens, and send the take to the foreigners that own The United States' government, then those foreigners are betraying... uhm, supporting... ahh... Poutine!

    Fetterman did the math on this? In German? Didn't he?


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