
Thursday, October 13, 2022

So apparently chickens have no weather sense

We had a storm roll through here late yesterday afternoon, first rain we'd had in a month. It was a fast moving storm, it went from a gentle rain to winds of 40-50 mph and 3/4" of rain in a flash, but it only lasted about 5 minutes.
I was sitting here watching a video when it hit, and it came on so fast and violently I had to get up and look out back, just in time to watch one of my chickens get blown across the yard backwards at 30 mph, her flapping and clawing, pissed off as hell and all I could think of was "Well, looks like I'll be eating scrambled eggs for the next couple days."


  1. So THAT'S how you make them!!!

  2. When it rains if my chickens aren't out in the run they come out. On their run I have a mesh cover over it for a roof to deter the hawks. So even in a driving rain they don't get pellted. Although I think without the mesh they would still come out. They seem to love the rain.

  3. When Ian came across Florida we ended up with just tropical storm winds My chickens were out running around getting wet..

  4. We’re in Westpoint, TN. Sounds like the same storm we had. Blew my chickens food and water containers off their hangers.


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