
Friday, October 28, 2022

The Real Story Behind Drag Queen Story Hour

Drag Queen Story Hour—in which performers in drag read books to kids in libraries, schools, and bookstores—has become a cultural flashpoint. The political Right has denounced these performances as sexual transgressions against children, while the political Left has defended them as an expression of LGBTQ pride. The intellectual debate has even spilled into real-world conflict: right-wing militants affiliated with the Proud Boys and the Three Percenters have staged protests against drag events for children, while their counterparts in the left-wing Antifa movement have responded with offers to serve as a protection force for the drag queens.


  1. Was have the protests accomplished? Where are all the mad women?

  2. Ever since news of these events have been in the press, I've been waiting for some disgruntled parent to walk into one these venues and start mowing these perverts down. That's really the only way these things (I define them as things because they're not human) are going to get the message that this is not acceptable behavior with children in attendance.

    I don't care what your sexual perversions are. Keep it behind closed doors in the privacy of your home where us hetero's are forced by polite society to keep our sexual appetites. I wonder what would be said if a man and a woman decided it was OK to have a heterosexual display of fully clothed foreplay, with dialogue, at these same venues?

    I know the answer but what's good for the goose...


  3. There's an important reason they're doing this and it's part of normalizing sex and children. Then their next step is sex WITH children. So we need to stop this shit. If we get enough parents gathered at venues where this is scheduled, we can forcibly drive the bastards out! And a big part of ending this once and for all is to push back against the idea there's any "pride" in being a pervert. But people are afraid and don't need to be. There's more of us than of them!

  4. these disgusting perverts and antifa both deserve the noose.

    and people wonder why Adolph hitler rose to power... largely due to push back against similar perversity in Berlin.


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