
Thursday, October 13, 2022

Wait... I thought it was cow farts that were the real danger

WELLINGTON, New Zealand - New Zealand's government on Tuesday proposed taxing the greenhouse gasses that farm animals make from burping and peeing as part of a plan to tackle climate change.


  1. I reckon if white man had not killed off the millions of buffalo America would be underwater by now. Good thing we came along or all the Indians would be dead too.

  2. The operative term here is 'taxing." The Left has NEVER met a tax it didn't like...

  3. New Zealanders seriously need to rid their country of Jacinda Ahole.
    - WDS

  4. Its so freaking absurd, to not laugh at its premise is ridiculous. Like taxing cow farts us going to change the weather? Someone needs to call these people out for the absurd lies they build their entire platform on top of.

  5. New Zealand has really driven off a cliff. Aussies and NZ people used to be tough folks. What the hell happened?

  6. There is a whole lot of stupid going on in New Zealand.

    Then I remember who is residing in the White House.

  7. They speak of increased taxation. They speak of harnessing the alleged degradation.

    But never do they speak of how.
    How does a rise in taxes equate to a decrease in 'carbon footprint'?
    The how is gotten by the eliminatio, to say the quiet part out loud, the killing of carbon-based units.

    If not that, what, you think they gonna out hoods over farm operations to scrub the atmosphere of nasty cow exhalations?

    The hilarious part is where one of the Jackal's minions says they'll reduce burps & farts (through taxation) all the while feeding the New Zealanders in the normal manner. As if nothing changes.

    1. I disagree with what's hilarious. That's shutting down about 20% of the most efficient livestock farmers in the world so less efficient farmers can meet the demand created and crowing about what a win it is for everyone and the climate. Lunacy but there is pushback coming with big protests being arranged. I cannot believe my country has gone so far left - its causing disaster everywhere yet about 35% still thinks its just peachy.

  8. ...and then there's the EU autocrats that want to ban the use of fertilizer (read composted cow, pig, sheep and horse shit) on farmer's fields in the entire EU.

    Then they'll be wondering why farmers crop yields decrease by 40-50%, blaming the farmers for poor crop management while people in the cities starve, after which they'll confiscate farmland so the autocrats, who know nothing about farming, can manage food production.

    This from the same group of people that wanted to regulate the curve in bananas a few years ago.

    This is kind of stuff that happens when populations are deprived of the means to protect themselves from their government by force, if necessary.



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