
Friday, October 21, 2022

Well, that came back to bite you in the ass, didn't it?



  1. Most people - and I mean me - wouldn't stop to take a picture.

  2. That dog is thinking better her than me. Maybe they will get rid of this thing so I am not always on the menu.

  3. With that fat butt, I first assumed it to be another idiot animal-loving female but then I noticed there are no ponderous boobs present to match the fat butt and rotund thighs. Apparently, just another fatassed docker-wearing boomer being a damned fool.

  4. Hope the snake had just been milked dry of venom…

    Had one hit me with a “dry bite” in a bar ditch while gathering willow during an Oklahoma Sun Dance…

    A priest smoked me off when we got back to the grounds

  5. Judging by the ass in those jeans I hope the snake lived


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