
Tuesday, November 22, 2022

A half mile? Oh, the horror!

Heather Wallace's oldest son, 8-year-old Aiden, was driving his two brothers crazy in the car as they all returned from karate one afternoon in October 2021. Wallace asked Aiden to walk the rest of the way home—half a mile in quiet, suburban Waco, Texas—so that he could calm down. 

For this she was arrested, handcuffed, and thrown in jail.


  1. That's what you get for not aborting your child.

  2. She screwed up by admitting guilt. I can't see being arrested for letting an 8 year old child walk half a mile, based upon a speculative and unlikely scenario like sex trafficking. She had a shitty lawyer who folded when faced with an overzealous set of cops and prosecutors.
    Sure, she couldn't afford a lawyer. What did it wind up costing her? Her career, her business, and half of her family's income. A better lawyer would have been cheaper in the long run.
    Therein lies the lesson- thinking you are saving money by not lawyering up and then taking a plea deal is seldom the way to go.

    1. I've always maintained that you should always get the best lawyer you cannot afford.

    2. How much up front do you need for a good lawyer you can't afford? Serious question..

    3. Depends on the lawyer and what you're using them for. My divorce lawyer charged me $7500 up front and I ended up paying her another $7500 before it was all done and over with. Worth every damned penny of it, too - she managed to get me out of paying alimony in California, believe it or not.

    4. You know why divorce is so expensive?
      Because it's worth it.

    5. A good one costs a lot. My stone cold bitch of a divorce lawyer had an escrow account for each client that was required to maintain a $5,000 minimum. In the end I spent about $60,000 over nearly 2 years. It was worth every penny. I kept the house, both of my trucks, my motorcycle, got custody if the kids and she had to pay child support. The youngest was 9 months old when I got custody. When I say my ex is crazy everyone believes me.

      Jeremy P

  3. Its a bigger comment on society at large - that we have laws and enforcers who enforce them - that abdicate parental rights from raising their own children in a manner they see fit.
    Sure there are situations you can argue unfit parents, harsh discipline, etc., one persons opinion does not invalidate anothers, and the state should not be elevated above family.
    That order, for reasons.

  4. So the brave Texas LEO's will arrest a mom but stand around in the hall and let some nutjob shoot them in a school.

    1. The mom is less likely to shoot back. That needs to end, at which point the cops will be less likely to pull shit like this. And CPS can go fuck a goat. They should be shot on sight whenever they show up.

  5. I've measured my walk. 1/2 mile to elementary and 1 mile to junior high.

  6. My wife did this to our son some years back and the cops pulled up. My wife was scoping it from the top of the hill so she drove back down and explained why there was a snivelling kid on the side of the road. He said "looks like you earned, kid. Listen to your mom next time."

  7. Me & the other neighbor kids used to run around all over the hills behind our new subdivision, down to the store, at each others houses; we ranged over a hellofa lot more than 1/2 mile, and parents often didn't see or hear from us all day. Most of us around that age.
    Now they've made that illegal too.
    This that "Great Society" LBJ was blathering about?


  8. My parents could have been locked up 180 times for each of the 6 years I was in elementary school. Who knew?

  9. Every one of these stories from Texas shows violation of a rule of life: Always remember where you are.

  10. Properly spelled Whacko.
    Steve S6

  11. Unless there is something big not included in the story, both the neighbor and those cops need some "behind the barn" corrective action. I personally believe that a lot of what you hear about child abduction is misleading. The vast majority of cases involve family, non custodial parents and family members taking kids. Stranger abduction is rare. The number of "missing kids" is misleading too. Michigan foster care told parents to make a police report if their foster kid was an hour late coming home from school or anywhere, so if little Johnny dawdles on his way home from school twice a week by the end of the year that's 80+ missing kid reports. I think a lot of the BS is designed to keep us frightened and dependent on big brother.

  12. While I am against defunding the police, I could certainly hang every one of these cocksuckers that perpetrated this BS on this woman from the judge on down. They must all be democrats.

  13. Wish could have a minute with the nosy neighbor , after she verified he was almost home she called ? Deeesh !

  14. Returning from Karate? I hope she had the kid walk bare footed in that 1/2 mile to toughen 'em up for breaking them boards with side kicks.

  15. We lived in Chattanooga from '48 to '52 while I was serving my time in the second through fifth grades. Probably not when I was seven, but my friend and I rode the bus downtown every Saturday morning to the Western double feature at one of the theaters. I also rode the bus downtown if I took a notion to visit the hobby shop. Different times, different people, back when we had a civilization.

  16. Half a mile is my driveway...

    - Arc

  17. In a just world, they'd shoot the rat. We're drowning in morons.

  18. you are talking about the land of liberals here. Even though it is texas, it is the home of baylor university, a college town. So you will always have the karens telling you how to raise your kids.


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