
Tuesday, November 08, 2022

Commentary: Democrats Face Historic Headwinds in Tuesday’s Midterm Elections

Regardless of all that wispy smoke Democrats and their allies in the news media are blowing, key polls suggest Republicans are still likely to win back control of the House of Representatives in Tuesday’s midterm elections and have a better than even chance to take over the Senate.


  1. Not so fast republicans: I have boxes of blank ballots for every single house or senate seat. Just waiting for democrats to tell me how many they need.

  2. Just got back from voting. There was a line of about twenty people. Folks were saying they had never seen a line at this place before. I sure hope it's republicans coming out in droves. Saw a few political tee shirts, none democrat.

  3. just came back from voting and there where more people there than ever before.
    even the old folks where coming out to vote ! small town pa.

  4. I wonder how many woke up this morning, gazed at the moon and thought "shit, even the moon's turning red today"?

  5. They are gonna have to pull out all the stops to cheat their way onto office this time.

    Biden "We have put together, I think, the most extensive and and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics."

    We have no confidence whatsoever in the integrity of our elections. NONE. ZERO. ZILCH
    We are only voting in hopes that there are enough republican votes that the cheating is once again, visible from space. Perhaps it will open a few more American normie's eyes.

  6. I'm out of town. Turning on the idiot box in my hotel room, I see Fox reported that the Rs have a thin two seat majority in Congress. Further, its currently a toss up if the Rs can hold on.

    That is an example of why I ditched the TV some 35 yrs ago.

  7. Mmm, just voted (R) across the ballot, except for Lt.Gov Dan Patrick whom can go choke on rocks. Voted for a democrat for the first time in my life to get him out of power; and tickled libertarian / democrat for McCaul and Abbot but held my nose. Tired of seeing those swamp creatures / RHINOs on my ballot and it seems the only way to get a new republican is to remove the old one from power via a democrat for a few years.

    I look forward to getting out of Texas.

    - Arc

    1. Abbot is the great pretender. What ever Desantis does, Abbot does. But Abbot leaves a hole in every law that a democrat can drive a truck through. He has made zero effort securing the border. The guy is a freakin failure. But the alternative is beto. Jesus H crist. Outside of texas the states with mail-in votes will go democrat no matter what. PA, AZ, NY, CA, NV, MI, WI will correct all their votes for a democrat to win

  8. I woke up to see Fetterman and Shapiro have won. yeah I believe that. Supposedly tight gov races in MI and NY went overwhelmingly for dems? yeah sure whatever.

    Philadelphia is a 3rd World Shithole exactly because of the policies of the AG Shapiro. And Fetterman can't string a sentence together and these are the people elected in PA? Please nigga.

    I see Kari Lake is slightly behind to the SOS that campaigned like Biden. She must have known, huh? I guess Arizonans are happy with a million+ new illegal residents. Folks aren't going to kidnap themselves in Phoenix.

    Well it's another one stolen in our faces so what's next?

  9. If PA can install someone like Fetterman to represent them in the U.S. Senate, there's little hope that Demonrats will ever be removed from a majority government. The country is effed.


  10. Who believes the democrats didn't cheat, again?


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