
Monday, November 14, 2022

Commentary: The Partisan Rigging of the 2022 Election

In a society that retains trust in its institutions, the most authoritative source for news and information would probably be the publicly funded media property that is supposed to adhere to the highest standards of journalistic objectivity. Here in America, that would have been PBS. Except it isn’t. The American media, by and large, along with Silicon Valley’s social media communications oligopolies, are doing everything they can to deny American voters the opportunity to politically realign their nation.


  1. AND the Plan is woking as designed.

  2. When a candidate for office is in charge of the election, it cannot be considered fair in any way shape or form.

  3. We know that this election was stolen in a 100 instances across the country. Exit polling showed 75% of VOTERS were dissatisfied or extremely dissatisfied with the direction of the country and when just having the oppo to change the direction, they voted to stay the course. please nigga

    In PA Fettermen harvested 840,000 mail in votes and Oz 215,000. Oz lost by 200,000. yeah that makes sense.

    Closer to my home, in WA 3, a reliably R district, heavily pro Trump and has elected an R the last 6 terms, ran Joe Kent, a rock solid, ex vet(his mil wife was killed in Afghanistan) was defeated by a candidate that monetarily supported AntiFa, backs genital mutilation, Biden's fairy dust moneying and the war in Ukranie. sure bucko

    And they're going to fuck Kari Lake, she had to be in the top 3 that under no circumstances would be allowed to win.

    In France, a nation of 56 million, there is no mail in voting, no voter harvesting, rare absentee voting. It's paper ballots and a state issued ID. The preceint where you vote is where the vote is counted, no shipping massive amounts of ballots to "counting rooms" Yet somehow they manage to announce the winner & losers the night of the election or first thing in the morning. And BOTH sides believe the results.

    OK, we all know it. Just like even back on 1/6 those 100s of 1,000s that came to DC knew it. So what are we gonna do?

  4. Until they bring back one day elections in small precincts, in person only with ID and you dip your finger in indelible ink that lasts a week, and counting is done in the precinct, there will be NO INTEGRITY in our elections. The commies will always just print more fraudulent ballots months ahead and bank them till they are need to push their corrupt candidate over the finish line.

  5. Modern voting is one big sham and modern technology has made it possible. It's Politicians & Billionaire Control freaks doing what control freaks do best. They're Critical thinking obsessed neurotics whose lives are 100% devoted to winning and enforcing their mandates. Meanwhile us peasants just want to be left alone to live our lives. Don't bother to say "Thanks to the 2nd amendment someday we'll revolt and crush 'em". That ain't gonna happen.

  6. Unless we physically hang 'em by their scrotums (a butt load of 'em) until they expire then all is lost. We're not voting our way out of this, we're not discussing our way out of this. It's got to be winner take all and bucko, we're WAAAAY behind.

  7. Vote harder next time.


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