
Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Commentary: Republicans Need to Change Strategies After Disappointing Midterm Results

Who or what was responsible for the Republican nationwide collapse in the midterms? After all, pundits, politicos, and pollsters all predicted a “red tsunami.” 

Moreover, the average loss of any president in his first midterm is 25 House seats. And when his approval sinks to or below 43 percent—in the fashion of Joe Biden—the loss, on average, expands to over 40 seats. 

Barack Obama in 2010 lost 63 seats. Is Biden, therefore, more charismatic or more energetic than Obama? Was his agenda more successful and popular?


  1. The midterm results are a reflection on how much improvement in how to cheat rather than a failure of Repulican candidates or policy

    1. Exactly.

    2. What difference does it make who is declared a winner? Oh wait my bad, we still have those rat bastards chinese mitch and his counter part Kevin the repulsion bitch.


  3. RUFKM? There is no 'strategy' to deal with election theft. If there was no theft (doubtful), there is no strategy to deal with the stupidity that would actually vote these 'people' into office. I put quotes around people since PA elected a corpse and a brain dead zombie.

  4. I believe the Republicans did less well than expected because of their long history of treachery and failing to keep their election promises. The Democrats are vile and stupid but they're not useless disloyal limpdicks like most Republican politicians. People were polled, said they'd vote Republican, then looked hard at their candidate, decided he or she was another useless windbag and stayed home. The rejection of Trump by mainstream republicanism was a major factor in the general perception of Republicans as weak and disloyal.

    1. You really need to open your eyes.

    2. Why? The blind still cannot see.

    3. There was a red was stopped by cheating. The ONLY thing republicans need to do to win again is get the elections back under control and stop the steal. If the Reagan presidential election of '88 was run today, Reagan would have lost by 800 votes in every state but Minnesota.

  5. the republican majority needs to watch the elections. the counters were not counting ballots, but filling them out..

  6. Will changing Republican strategies work? Has anyone considered that the average voter is an emotional reacting, instant-gratification idiot?.....Oh, yea, the Democrats have.long ago.

  7. There was just more cheating by leftists,

    And Fuck Joe Biden!

  8. You cannot beat the cheat as long as the cheat alters your votes. "It doesn't matter how the people vote. It only matters who counts the votes" - Joseph Stalin.
    I'll note that after DeSantis banned mass mail-in ballots, banned ballot harvesting, required voter ID; he won in a red wave. link

    Vooote Haaarder won't work until the elections are cleaned up.

    -- Steve

  9. That's two elections in a row where people look at what happened and say, "that doesn't look right" and 'they' say "you can't prove it".
    Plus they own the media.


  11. Repubs or Dems, no matter. They are part of the Uniparty. The Repubs have been part of the vote stealing all along-as they have never done a thing for the average citizen/voter. That is why the Repubs hated Trump, he wasn't part of the in crowd. Still fell for a lot of their BS, not sure why he didn't fire more of the swamp. I would vote Trump over Desantis because I know how much Trump is hated, makes me trust him more than Desantis - Just sayin.

  12. The states that cleaned up their voting laws had a red wave. The others had more cheating than 2020.


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