
Friday, November 11, 2022

Ho-hum, just another day in California

A lengthy investigation involving multiple agencies culminated with the arrests of 29 people — including a woman allegedly affiliated with the Mexican Mafia and a suspected Nazi sympathizer — on charges including drug trafficking, conspiracy and firearm offenses, authorities said.

More than 15,000 suspected fentanyl pills, 990 grams of fentanyl, 10 pounds of methamphetamine, 7 pounds of heroin, 112 pounds of marijuana, 13 guns and $60,000 in cash were seized during Thursday’s operation targeting criminal street gangs in Bakersfield, according to a release from the U.S. Attorney’s Office, Eastern District of California.


  1. "...and $60,000 in cash ..." and thats the reason they do it. You didnt really believe they did it for Americans safety and wellbeing, did you?

    1. "$60k in cash." Riiiiight. That's after everyone on the team pockets their cut.

  2. "and a suspected nazi sympathizer.." I told her not to wear that MAGA hat

  3. This is where you say, "They just came here looking for a better life."

  4. That's their side hustle. The real koney is in picking your lettuce. Its why they're even here. Evbody noes dat.

  5. Pretty sure at least 20 of them have records and\or known to 'authorities'.


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