
Monday, November 07, 2022

Patriotism, Desecration and Monuments of the Confederate South

I interview Lafayette Lee, former US serviceman and American patriot, about the Naming Commission, set up to erase Confederate history in the Federal military.

What do you think the motivation is behind the Naming Commission?

I think the creation of the so-called Naming Commission is just another front in the Biden Administration's overall campaign to consolidate power and convert the US Department of Defense into a subservient political bureaucracy. In this postmodern age, ideology is upending the grand narratives of the past, and the hard-won reconciliation between North and South in this country is no exception. The motivations of the Naming Commission members are strictly cynical. These are political actors who provide an air of legitimacy to the US government's ideological crusade against the values, culture, and traditions of the historic American nation. And these efforts will be handsomely rewarded. But make no mistake, the purpose of these efforts is to exact greater control over the US military and other public institutions, not to mention the population at large. "Who controls the past controls the future."


  1. I will never understand the liberal mindset and do not think I want to, either. The most perplexing thing to me is the obsession with the CSA and their determination to wipe away all traces of its existence. It cannot be their stance on slavery because that is not what the war was about. Most people do not realize that five states that remained and fought on the side of the Union were slave-holding states and did not free their slaves until the 13th Amendment was ratified, after the Civil War ended. That very fact proves the Civil War was not fought for the purpose of ending slavery.

    1. Thomas D. Lorenzo wrote a great book called "The Real Lincoln." A few facts. The war was started over taxation. The North had more votes and placed a 60% tariff on southern cotton. The did this because the northern industrialist couldn't compete with the British industries (they had a couple hundred year head start). So, the northern industrialist weren't satisfied with 60% and voted themselves more largess of southern cotton and introduced a bill to raise the tariff's on southern cotton to 90%! Lincoln pledged to sign the bill if elected. When Lincoln won SC said see ya. Of course there's nothing in the constitution binding states to the Union. In fact some states specifically had in their state constitution the right to leave the union. I believe Virginia was one of them. Now the state allowed the feds to construct forts on state land but the states always retained the right to reclaim that land as long as they reimbursed the feds for any improvements. After SC seceded the Lincoln administration agreed to meet representatives from SC in DC to discuss the reimbursements. At the same time the commander of Fort Sumpter agreed to move his troops the the forts further out in the bay. The reps go to DC and were literally given the run around. Told to meet in such and such a building but nobody from the Lincoln administration ever showed up. At the same time the commander at Fort Sumpter had excuse after excuse as to why he wasn't able to move his troops out of Fort Sumpter. When the South Carolinians discovered that Lincoln had dispatched resupply ships to Fort Sumpter they were outraged. The were determined that there would be no Fort Sumpter there when those resupply ships arrived. Over the roar of the cannonade the South Carolinians exclaimed "How much is your fort worth now Mr. Lincoln! (ok, I took a little liberty with that last sentence but that's what I'd have been saying.) Anyway the only casualty was a mule and that's no reason to start a war. That's exactly what Lincoln did. -sammy

    2. It's about removing any reference to people who wanted to be left alone, who wanted to fight against a rising federal bureaucracy, who wanted to think and live and breathe for themselves.

    3. With comments like that, you are going to ruin the Woke Agenda.

      Please, keep going.

    4. Tariffs are duties charged on imported goods. Cotton was an export. There was no tariff on cotton that affected anyone smart enough not to try importing foreign cotton into the cotton-exporting US. The economic effects of tariffs were very complex due to all the special carve-out and deals lobbied into them.

    5. Nope. Watch and learn.

  2. Th only thing that should ever enter a liberal mind is a bullet. Preferably a hollow point, to be certain the job is done with fnality. And voila, problem solved.

  3. Could it be that the Democratic Party doesn't like to have reminders out in the public domain that recall its relationship to slavery's past in America as it struggles mightily to build a new plantation system?


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