
Monday, November 14, 2022

So you said something about defunding the police?

A county in California with one of the highest violent crime rates in the United States is getting rid of daytime patrols by the local sheriff's office. 

Tehama County, where about 66,000 people live about 120 miles north of the state capital in Sacramento, is ending daytime patrol because employees keep leaving and salaries are comparatively low.


Unless things have really changed in the past 6-7 years, the article exaggerates the violent crime in Red Bluff. It wasn't even on the scale compared to all the other cities in the Valley when I lived in California.
According to the table here at, up until 2019 (the last year recorded), they averaged one murder and about 100 assaults a year which ain't bad for a city of that size. It appears their biggest problems are thefts and burglaries.


  1. Yes, defund the police. Who do you think will be coming for your guns?
    Anything else can be settled appropriately: Home invasion? Shoot the bastards. Robbery? Shoot the bastards. If the cops aren't there to double-check that you defended yourself in a government-approved method, and then submit your case to a liberal pussy DA (who will run you through the wringer) "just in case" or "to get an easy win on his record", who cares?

    Do we really need cops constantly ticketing and fining you for arbitrary bullshit that doesn't harm or injure anyone? Oh no! Someone went 30 miles per hour down my street when the government said they're only allowed to do 25! Call the jackboots and make them pay!

    Fsck off with the Republican "rah rah we need more cops derp" bullshit.
    Solve your own problems. You should have the tools on-hand to do so.

    1. You sound like somebody that lives in a very safe neighborhood and has never been the victim of a crime. Either that or you don't practice what you preach - you'd be in prison if you did.
      I'd prefer it if I could take care of business myself, but I feel a whole lot better knowing there's a cop enjoying a donut and a cup of coffee two blocks from where my elderly mother is sleeping.

    2. Me grow up or anon@11:27 grow up?
      I'm not the one fantasizing about being another Bernard Goetz.

    3. I live in a safe neighborhood because I'm out in the sticks away from people, and the eight-or-so neighbors who live on my street are all armed to the teeth.

      I've drawn my weapon twice in self defense, but never been forced to shoot anyone.

      Once was when a crazy person wondered on to my property and knocked on my door at 11 PM. My wife answered the door without thinking, and the crazy person ran in, jumped into my recliner and immediately peed all over it. She then proceeded to scream about being chased by two men with guns. I told her to go outside and unholstered. About 2 minutes later, three of my neighbors were on my property all armed to the teeth. If the police didn't exist, we would have waited for any alleged "bad guys with guns" and dealt with them. But because the police exist and she was obviously crazy, running her off would have landed us all in trouble, so we called them. They arrested her, charged her with trespassing, and hauled her away to jail.

      The other time was when a van pulled up beside my young daughter who was playing a bit too close to the road. The driver slowed down, didn't see me, and rolled down his window. I was pretty shocked when he started trying to coax her towards the car. She turned and started walking towards the house. When he opened his door, got out, and started jogging after her, I stepped out of the bushes with my gun pointed at him. He froze, and I told him to get on the ground. He turn around and ran. In a world without police, he would have been shot and fed through a wood chipper. But because police exist and weren't there to *prevent* any crimes, I couldn't shoot him. I reported the vehicle make/model and license plate. I even showed them video from my camera system that caught it all. They never found him, and there's a pedophile roaming around.

      And my 76-year-old mother carries a snub-nosed hammerless 40 with her. I think it's got way too much kick for a 76-year-old, but she refuses to get anything different because she's had it for ~40 years and she knows how it shoots. Maybe it's time to make sure your mom knows how to shoot. Even if it's a .22. Because let's face it, a cop eating a doughnut a few blocks away in between writing tickets for 5-over and window tint isn't going to do shit to save your mom from a home invasion. He'll just show up to clean up the mess.

    4. Yet you did call the police..... the very people you're railing against. So why exactly did you call them? No need to answer, you'll just contradict yourself further.
      And my mother does know how to shoot, but things don't always go according to your fantasy.

    5. Like I said, I *had* to call the police because otherwise I would have been prosecuted due to ridiculously stupid liberal bullshit. Reading comprehension.

      If the police didn't exist, none of this would have been a problem. I would have run off the crazy person or shot them if they refused to leave, and I would have shot the dipshit pedo and fed him into a woodchipper. But liberal government produces liberal policies where everyone has to be "nice" to the pedos and crazies. That trickles down to the police, and the police will charge you or arrest you for defending your life or property.

      Defund the police, because they aren't going to suddenly start upholding the Constitution or the rule of law. They'll continue to uphold whatever generates them revenue. There is no statute so trivial that the police won't kill you in their zeal to enforce it.

      As for your mother--good. I'm glad she knows how to shoot. And I know things don't always go according to plan. That's called life. It's also called "dangerous freedom" as opposed to "safe slavery". If you want safe slavery, keep on voting for more cops--just realize both Republicans and Democrats will keep coming up with stupid shit to arrest you or kill you for, and the police will keep saying "just following orders".

    6. So according to you, every single offense, no matter how small, should be punishable by death. And just where in the fuck do you live that has such a shitty police force and county prosecutor? I mean, even in the California county I moved from, the cops would give you an attaboy for shooting a rapist or home invader or somebody trying to abduct a child. I still read that paper daily and see it fairly often.
      I'd consider moving if I was you.
      I notice you mention Rule of Law. I didn't realize Rule of Law justifies vigilantism. As a matter of fact, I'm pretty sure it discourages it.
      And apparently you don't read the news much because every single city that defunded the police, crime has risen dramatically.

    7. "That's a good point"

      ^ Things no blogger will ever say in the comments on their home page

      > So according to you, every single offense, no matter how small, should be punishable by death.

      Yeah, I *totally* think a 3 year old who chases his ball on to your property should be blown up by landmines and you should be able to launch a nuke at the offending parent's home to teach them a lesson. /sarcasm

      You'd think there might be a compromise between "you just want to be able to shoot everyone for any reason" and "I want a militarized police force and tons of laws that give them easy access to plenty of reasons to arrest or kill you if they decide they don't like you".

      Maybe something like...The Constitution?

      The minimum need for a police force under the Constitution is to:
      1. Provide impartial reports and deliver statements and evidence to the court system when property has been damaged or someone's rights have been violated--especially to the point of not being able to stand up for their own rights (i.e. murder, because they're dead)
      2. Deal warrants for people who refuse to voluntarily participate in a fair and just trial with a jury of their peers.
      3. Respond to situations where life is in imminent jeopardy or property is being damaged and deal with the situation.

      There are thousands upon thousands of laws that are being enforced daily that don't stem from someone harming someone else or damaging their property.

      There are thousands upon thousands of police officers all collecting a paycheck and guaranteed retirement at our expense that don't do any of the above things--just enforcing arbitrary dictates.

      So yeah, defund the police. We definitely don't need as many as we have. The ones we do have are almost never around when a crime is committed. They show up after the fact to generate reports.

      > I mean, even in the California county I moved from, the cops would give you an attaboy for shooting a rapist or home invader

      Yeah, and what about the prosecutor? What about the feds? Did you shoot him with a weapon that is capable of holding 15 rounds instead of the government-prescribed 10? Or 7?

      Did you make sure you only defended yourself with something that does semi-auto?

      Did your psycho ex accuse you of being "crazy" so you're not allowed to own a gun...but you had one in order to defend your life anyways?

      Even red states will find reasons to crucify you.

      > I notice you mention Rule of Law. I didn't realize Rule of Law justifies vigilantism. As a matter of fact, I'm pretty sure it discourages it.

      Huh...when did shooting a home invader or pedophile in the act suddenly count as "vigilantism"?

      > And apparently you don't read the news much because every single city that defunded the police, crime has risen dramatically.

      So? And? Are you saying home owners shouldn't be allowed to shoot people who are breaking and entering? You shouldn't be allowed to shoot a thug who is robbing you on the street? You shouldn't be allowed to shoot someone who is trying to steal your car?

      If you think that is "vigilantism", you're part of the problem.

    8. @wirecutter
      sorry! I realize I'm eavesdropping, but...
      a short quote: a live conservative is a liberal who's been mugged just once;
      we usually hold funerals for liberals who've been mugged twice.

    9. See, you keep bring things up that shoot down your entire view that you're trying to push on me. First it was Rule of Law. Now it's the Constitution. You do realize that the Constitution guarantees everybody a fair trial in front of a jury of his peers, right? Or does that only apply to people that aren't doing YOU wrong?

      By the way, the prosecutors in my old county aren't prosecuting the shootings I mentioned. I read about the shootings, but there's nothing about their trials later and as left wing as that paper is, if there was a trial, they'd print it.
      And yeah, my ex DID try to label me as crazy and a danger, and tried to have my guns taken away by filing a restraining order against me. The judge told her she was full of shit.
      Seriously dude (who's posting all this badassness under an Anon tag), you might as well drop this conversation. I get tired of arguing with people that think they can change my mind.

    10. > See, you keep bring things up that shoot down your entire view that you're trying to push on me.

      The Constitution *is* The Rule of Law. Not arbitrary statutes the government makes up. Are you going to tell me next that you would have turned over slaves because there was a "law" that said you had to? So how does that "shoot down" what I said?

      > You do realize that the Constitution guarantees everybody a fair trial in front of a jury of his peers, right?

      Yes, I said that in my post. Are you saying that because there's a Constitution and a "fair trial" that the government can imprison you like a dog or shoot you because your grass is half an inch too high? Or a library book is overdue?

      > By the way, the prosecutors in my old county aren't prosecuting the shootings I mentioned.

      Why not? They ended up prosecuting too many people who weren't white?

      > And yeah, my ex DID try to label me as crazy and a danger, and tried to have my guns taken away by filing a restraining order against me. The judge told her she was full of shit.

      I'm sorry--that's got to suck. Regardless, you shouldn't have been involved with the court system at all. At least not unless she was claiming you harmed her. I'm sure if she did manage to "red flag" you, it wasn't the tooth fairy that took your guns. It was the police. The police who were "just doing their jobs" even though no one had their rights violated and you weren't damaging property.

      > Seriously dude (who's posting all this badassness under an Anon tag), you might as well drop this conversation. I get tired of arguing with people that think they can change my mind.

      It's because I live in the middle of a very blue state and run a business that brings in several million per year. Posting conservative or constitutional thoughts under my real name (under my Google Account) would probably cause financial harm to my family or business (I don't have a personal Google account). So that leaves me with picking "Anonymous" from the drop down and clicking "publish" or clicking "Name/URL" and filling in a few extra fields. Clicking "anonymous" is less work.

      > I get tired of arguing with people that think they can change my mind.

      Nothing's worse than thinking you couldn't possibly be wrong and refusing to debate anyone with different opinions. That's what the left does constantly. It's just as bad when "the right" does it. If you believe something, test it. Argue it. Defend it.

      I think the police should be defunded. You don't. Hence me commenting. I'm giving you an opportunity to change my mind. So far you've taken what I said, put it through a bunch of hyperbole, and now you're working the "keyboard warrior / anonymous" angle. Maybe you could tell me why you think police should continue to be funded at the same level, or why you think they should get more funding.

    11. @wirecutter
      There is currently a LEO in prison and "a jury of his peers" put him there.
      As Big Daddy said (in "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof"):
      “What's that smell in this room? Didn't you notice it, Brick? Didn't you notice a powerful and obnoxious odor of mendacity in this room?... There ain't nothin' more powerful than the odor of mendacity... You can smell it. It smells like death.”
      I'm very sorry to say that we no longer have a system of law (or valid jury trial) in our once great Country.
      and to put the cherry on the top: there are still unaccounted-for people being held by the U.S. Government (and I'm not talking about those held in Cuba):
      the J6 group.

    12. Fuck man, you're really reaching here. I have never heard of a cop anywhere giving anybody a ticket because their grass wasn't mowed. Seriously, that's the best you can come up with?

      The whole restraining order deal was when we were going through a divorce and she was trying to hurt me any way she could. That's why we were in the court system.

      Well, shit. You live in a blue state. That explains a lot about your views and I can't say they are unjustified given what I've heard. Seriously, move to a red state. Better yet, move to a small town in a red state where all the cops are local boys. You'll see a huge difference in attitudes.

      So you're not changing your stance and I'm not changing mine, and this arguing is taking up way too much of my time.

    13. > Fuck man, you're really reaching here. I have never heard of a cop anywhere giving anybody a ticket because their grass wasn't mowed. Seriously, that's the best you can come up with?

      Now ask yourself...what if she resisted? Is this something that *requires* cops? Or could it be handled by the courts. Or a collections agency?

      There is no law or made up statute or regulation so small they won't ultimately kill you for in their zeal to enforce it.

      > The whole restraining order deal was when we were going through a divorce and she was trying to hurt me any way she could. That's why we were in the court system.

      Exactly. If you were in the court system and responding to "complaints", there should *never* have been police involved.

      > Well, shit. You live in a blue state. That explains a lot about your views

      Really? My view is that every single politician should be dragged out and hanged in the town square for treason for violating their oath of office.

      My view isn't "let's mandate that people pay a tax to support at the homeless animals".

      > Seriously, move to a red state. Better yet, move to a small town in a red state where all the cops are local boys. You'll see a huge difference in attitudes.

      I'm smack-dab in the middle of one of a small sliver that still votes red. The latest Republican Sheriff on the ballot said he stood for following the rule of law...and when questioned on it, he said he would have enforced mask mandates. Thankfully he lost to the existing Sheriff who told the state to go fsck themselves. I'm making plans to move, but there aren't many red states left that give a crap about rights either. Granted, they're better than blue states, but that's a pretty low bar. It's like saying "You can eat tofu or starve". And morons pick "I'll eat tofu" and they're happy their color of tofu won. I want a nice steak.

      > So you're not changing your stance and I'm not changing mine, and this arguing is taking up way too much of my time.

      Agreed. Like I said, no blogger will ever change their mind or admit their wrong on their own blog. Start standing for individual freedom. That means abolishing 99% of government and making people be responsible for their own actions and safety.

    14. Actually, I have changed some of my views because of commenters. Don't paint us all with such a broad brush.

      The example about the libarry books. Well, that's just fucked up but let's not overlook that it was in a blue state.

      I think your views are somewhat jaded because you do live in a blue state and that's all you see.
      Let me point out that when the rest of the country was supposedly in lockdown, I called in for takeout at a restaurant because I had heard that there would be no more dining in until the mandate was lifted. When I got there to pick up my food, the dining room had its usual lunch crowd in there, up to and including a half dozen Lafayette PD cops and Macon County deputies. As far as the mask mandate, I didn't wear one and it was never enforced here. None of the mandates were enforced - restaurants stayed open if they wanted, along with stores, barber and beauty shops, etc. and the local cops did not do a shitting thing about it.

    15. Yea right, you have a bad habit of picking fights and going off on folks.
      //Pistol Paco

  2. I spent the winter of 81-82 in Red Bluff. It was a pretty nice town. Doesnt look like much has changed. I'm really curious what would be causing the crime spike. Thanks for posting this.

    1. Statistics

      Compare: a town of 100 people has a murder in year 1, two murders in year 2.
      A city of 1,000 has ten murders in year 1, twelve murders in year two.

      In year one, both town and city have same per capita. Year two shows murder rate has doubled in town. Murder rate in city has increased a pittance therefore some say murder rate is dropping.

  3. I've noticed a few times in my life some of the people who bitch the most about the cops are the ones that are the first to call them when things go sideways.

  4. Spent a night in Red Bluff years ago after a day climb of Mt Lassen. Still significant snow in places on the mountain in July that year. Nice town. Enjoyed the drive over to Eureka next day, too. I stopped and had lunch in the National Forest en route to the coast and was told later I was fortunate not to have been shot by pot farmers thereabouts. Great seafood in Eureka. Too bad N Cal is stuck with the Sacramento/SF/LA/SD idiocy.

    1. Red Bluff and Redding are both really nice small cities. Full of tough, independent people who generally work hard and don't seem to mind living in the stifling summer heat both places experience. Sure, they have their crime and drug problems, but what place doesn't?

      A guy with a family could do a lot worse than Red Bluff or Redding to raise a family.
      The beauty that the area is surrounded by is just a plus.

      I've never lived in either place but have enjoyed the time I've spent in both towns.
      And BTW, there are plenty of great gun stores everywhere.

  5. I was going to jump on this grenade but thought better of it. I will say that while I am always prepared to defend myself and family, I would very much like to go to my grave without having to do so in peacetime America. While things are changing rapidly here, the police are still handy to have around. Seems to me the people who hate them the most seem to be the ones who also call them the most. Eod1sg Ret


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