
Thursday, November 24, 2022

Tennessee Supreme Court Strikes Down Mandatory Life Sentences for Juvenile Murderers

The Tennessee State Supreme Court said that mandatory life sentences for minors convicted of murder are unconstitutional, according to a recently decided case.

In a case called State of Tennessee v. Tyshon Booker No. E2018-01439-SC-R11-CD the state’s highest court says sentencing juveniles to life in prison for murders committed as minors is cruel and unusual punishment.

According to an opinion written by Supreme Court Justice Sharon Lee, who recently made the news by announcing her upcoming retirement:


  1. then execute their worthless asses.

    1. My sentiments, exactly. Why in hell would you incarcerate someone for 70 years. Just kill the worthless scum.

    2. Agreed. Can use my bullets, I will buy as many as you need!

  2. The juvenile justice system needs to be drastically overhauled. In today's world, the age of 8 to 10 should be the maximum to be still considered a juvenile when considering sentencing for crimes.

  3. Bet they're usually dindus, and just like a liberal judge to make a parting shot before retirement.
    Steve S6

  4. How many of the "juveniles" are over 16? If you can get a license, you know what the fuck you are doing when you kill people and frequently under horrifying circumstances.

  5. IMHO, circumstance, age, intent, history, voice of the victim's friends and family, and several other factors, need to be taken into account when determining a sentencing. We are trying to make one size fits all laws for MULTIPLE peoples and that doesn't work. We have difference senses of justice and different outcomes from different punishments and rehabs. For some - valedictorians - violence is pathological and they are likely to re-offend. Some people get sucked into the wrong crowd and screw up early in life; although able to be set straight with the right combination of punishment and guidance. Others are probably going to be repeat offenders even with the best of help.

    That said, gangs will probably use reduced sentencing as a selling point to use kids for their murders and drive-by shootings, rather than using their older stock.

    Norway can get away with prisons designed to recondition people to normal life because they have a predominately Norwegian and European population. Although I hear their influx of diversity is causing them to re-evaluate that approach. What works for one people doesn't work for another.

    - Arc

  6. Coming to a prison near you...


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