
Friday, December 09, 2022

Commentary: The Tyranny of the Minority

In the Federalist, James Madison famously warned against the “tyranny of the majority,” but it is unlikely he could have envisioned what we face today. Twenty-first-century America is dissolving before our eyes, as a tyrannical coalition of minorities steals our heritage and sovereignty. Not ethnic minorities—their American bequest is being stolen right alongside that of America’s shrinking white majority. Nobody is exempt, and everyone should unite to resist.


  1. Did podcast on this yesterday

  2. I don't see any of this ending well. We certainly cannot vote our way out. If we decide to fight and take it to the streets, the government has much better and sophisticated weapons to use against the populace. If a fight is protracted, it will attract the attention of foreign nations to come and take us with an armed invasion (as differentiated from the unarmed invasion occurring at our southern border). I weep for our youth - even the ones that cannot understand what is about to happen to them by welcoming it.

    1. nobody said it was going to be easy.

    2. The cultural rot has been neglected for way too long. As far as turning it around at this stage an optomist sees it as Easy. A pessimest sees it as Hard and a Realist sees it as Impossible.

    3. Maybe it's time to become the OSS and realize we are behind enemy lines and act individually against individual targets... Don't try going toe to toe with the "Red Coats"..

    4. @Chris 1:21PM what do you think those shot out transformers in NC WA and OR are all about?

      Except those are the wrong targets. Taking out local infrastructure, like electricity, that makes modern life impossible, is not a smart move on the part of someone or some group that is trying to make a statement on anything.

      All that does is piss off the affected populace and turns them against any movement that are thinking they're rebelling against the man. Unless, of course, those "attacks" are false flags which is not above the realm of possibility.


    5. @ Anon 9:53AM There are 150M+ gun owners in this country with trillions of rounds of ammo. Do you really think that the 10 or so million law enforcers and armed forces in this country stands a chance against that? Do you not think that a substantial portion of current law enforcement and the military would either stand down or join the rebels, taking ALL of their equipment with them and neutralizing all of the higher ranks that are giving them orders to shoot American citizens on their way to the other side?

      There's also a substantial portion of that "currently on the .gov side" who would see an opportunity to establish their own little fiefdom, uncontrolled by their current bosses.

  3. 13% of our population (and the current Government) run this nation. Why do you think the white Veteran is still in Russia?

  4. Rage Against the Machine has acquired ahole new meaning, eh?


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