
Wednesday, December 07, 2022

Gotta watch out for those mean Right-wingers

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas issued a National Terrorism Advisory System Bulletin, saying there is a heightened threat across the country.


Seriously, go to the link and check out the list of possible targets and you'll see that most if not all are what Leftists consider to be Right wing targets.


  1. Funny I couldn't find any large Box stores who have been the target of thousands of terrorist flash mobs on that list.

  2. Priming the pump for their false-flag bullshit.

  3. Of course, nothing in the directive regarding the threat to Justice Kavanagh.

  4. Umm...the only ones that make attacks on the left are three letter agencies, gays and other left-tards trying to frame the right for the attacks. "The beatings will continue until consensus improves..."

  5. Yeah; and pay no mind to the MILLIONS of potential terrorists our Traitor In Chief has ushered in since STEALING office...

  6. These people really ate useless.

  7. This asshat issues that kind of bulletin but doesn't do an effing this about the millions coming into this country illegally. Of course he would never admit that some among those just might be terrorists looking to do us harm.

    Looking for a false flag in 3, 2, 1.


  8. Which one is the EffBeeEye going to target first?

  9. Prepping the battlefield. They’ve been announcing these phantom threats untethered to reality since 2020. The plan is to keep fucking with us until we react and then say “See, see we told you so!”

    1. "“See, see we told you so!”"
      "Now give us your guns."

      Finished it for you.

  10. Has the bulletin about Antifa rioting and burning cities expired yet?

  11. The real purpose of DHS: providing millions of dollars to local law dawgs for surveillance.

  12. The !eft has declared open war on anyone not kissing their ass and they aren't even trying to hide that fact.

  13. If they really wanted to "keep Americans safe" they'd end catch and release and keep thugs locked up. How to stay safe? - don't trust DHS for starters. Ammo dry.

    Money quote on the NC power station (from memory) - if it had been our guys it would have been Ashville.

    Steve S6

  14. Why is it every time I hear the word "Homeland" I think of Nazi Germany. Homeland Security. What an oxymoron.


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