
Thursday, December 08, 2022

Hey, a man's gotta eat

ST. LOUIS — A man in Missouri reportedly admitted to cashing his dead mother’s Social Security checks for the last 26 years, officials say.

Reginald Bagley, 62, pleaded guilty on Thursday to a felony charge of stealing money belonging to the United States, according to a news release from the Justice Department.


  1. If Reginald is black, charges will be dropped.....

  2. I think it should be required for you to go in person every 3 years to verify your identity if receiving government checks.

  3. Yeah, but did she vote?

  4. I'd argue that that money DID NOT belong to the United States, it belonged to his mother. The Gov't stole it from HER first....JMO

  5. After all she left him all her worldly possessions in her will and there was no time limit

  6. HA.... If he's a politician, it's just business as usual.

  7. And how old was mom supposed to be by the time they caught him? 120?

  8. So he got her $620 or so a month.

  9. IMHO, people should be able to will their SS checks to whomever they will after they depart this world. That isn't the United States' money, it's Reginald Bagley's mother's money and he was just collecting his inheritance.

    Social Security is a scam and people often die before ever drawing a penny from it. The scam runs on inflation and the promise of tomorrow but most of us know we aren't guaranteed the next moment in this life much less another day. It would have been better if she got to use her money or invest it. I often tell people that, while it's good to plan for their future, it would be a shame if they died before their retirement years, or were crippled; having never really lived.

    IMHO, we have it backwards as a society. People should be partying while young, fit, and free, then work more as they get older; maybe have ten or so sunset years at the end.

    - Arc

  10. Well, since Regi had his income cut off he will have to file for his own ss now. Government will place a small garnishment on his check until the amount is paid in full

  11. ...and further insult is that government kept half of everything that was ever paid in for you; employers paid in an amount equal to our contribution. And that amounted to money down a rathole.

  12. s.s. is a ponzi scheme thru and thru.


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