
Wednesday, December 07, 2022

"If y'all can't play nice....."

Walmart's CEO has warned that the retail giant may have to hike prices and shutter some stores amid 'historically high' thefts. 

Speaking on CNBC's Squawk Box Tuesday, Walmart CEO Doug McMillon admitted that theft has become a major issue for the chain known for its low prices, saying woke district attorneys' lenient policies need to be 'corrected.'


  1. And the politicians will mug in front of the camera about food desserts, and we just need to deliver pizza to everyone for free every day...

  2. "Corrected". As in The Shining? I'm all for that.

  3. another 'food dessert' created by the Man

  4. I'm somewhat surprised more Walmarts have not closed due to this. There is a Portland store that I have to occasionally visit (to work on some of their equipment) that is near a very large homeless encampment. This store has had multiple photo kiosk computers stolen, a couple of their wifi routers that connect those kiosks together, and even haf a drugged up man jump on top of their photo printer and urinate all over the photo lab.

    The walmart closest to where I live, in the Salem area, is right off of I5 and has dramatically gotten worse over the past 10 years. In the past year they a group of, most likely, illegals following women with young children with the intent of snagging those kids. The store has started locking everything up in cabinets but if you need anything you have to spend quite awhile finding someone with a key. They even started staffing armed security. They check everyone on the way out and mark every receipt in an attempt to keep the meth heads and homeless from taking someone's receipt in the store and returning items they pull off of the shelf. Even been quite a few attacks on people ( by quite a few it is not really many for somewhere like Detroit or Chicago but a handful in a place that did not really have that problem before).

    In Portland some of the Walgreens, to combat the homeless sleeping next to the store, have started blasting horrible music through their outside speaker system. It seems to work.

    1. "In Portland some of the Walgreens, to combat the homeless sleeping next to the store, have started blasting horrible music through their outside speaker system. It seems to work."

      Slim Whitman ?

    2. I read about a muni that had a homeless population camping in their park. They played that shark song all night. Problem solved. -sammy

  5. I think WalMart puts a lot of effort into picking a store location, so it takes a lot for them to close one. It does happen though. They closed one a few years ago in a town not far from here, Central Texas. It was due to an ongoing, chronic theft problem, and it was being undertaken by both customers and staff. They just couldn't rely on anyone - so they closed it. I guess it'll start getting more common now with non-confrontational policies.

  6. Close stores where the ground apes run amok and they'll just drive to where the stores are and keep stealing.

  7. Close em! Let the people in those areas do without. Blame the DA's.

  8. Ya know, WalMart could solve the homeless druggie issue by letting them in and converting them to Great Value sausage or haggis (when in season.) Provide most of it to the other druggies.


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