
Thursday, December 15, 2022

Man arrested for burning more than a dozen American flags in Long Beach

Residents of a Long Beach neighborhood are shaken up after an arsonist was caught on camera setting their American flags on fire.

A doorbell camera captures the man lighting up the flags in the middle of the night on Thursday. 

The suspect was identified as John Leo Meylor, 35, from Laguna Niguel. He was arrested several hours after the attacks, tracked down by authorities at a nearby park.


  1. Wanna bet part of his defense focuses on these acts as free speech?

    1. 1989 Supreme Court ruling

      One of the most egregious decisions by the Court, IMHO.

      I understand the premise. Doesn't make it any more wrong.


    2. My private property TRUMPS your freedom of speech. Go buy your own flag.

    3. Any commie can exercise their free speech rights by burning their own flag. When someone else burns mine, it is arson and/or destruction of property. They would then become aware of the next item in the Bill of Rights.

  2. Must be some WNBA transgender begging for attention.

  3. It IS free speech. If you want the Govt. to control your speech then I feel sorry for you. I am a Vietnam Vet and I wish people would not burn American flags - but THAT IS free speech.

    1. Yet if you burn a Rainbow or BLM flag, you go to jail for a hate crime.

    2. Coming onto MY property and taking MY flag and doing ANYTHING with it is a crime. Lighting it on fire in a public place is a crime. Absolutely zero to do with free speech. So, our boy needs to be charged with "more than a dozen" counts of criminal mischief, trespassing, larceny and arson. Gee, what's that add up to in prison time and fines I wonder. And let's not forget restitution.

    3. Or burn a Mexican flag, or a Turkish or Saudi Arabian or any other towelhead flag. Or CommieChina flag. Do this here in the US of A and you'll get charged with hate crimes.

    4. drail, this fuckhead burned SOMEONE ELSES FLAG. That is destruction of someones personal property and a crime.

    5. Burning a flag in itself is not free speech. The free speech part is what cause does the burning support, or represent.

      While this idiot may claim 1A right, let's see how he supports the claim.
      He's still on the hook for destruction of ... oh wait, the LA DA is a Soros turd. Never mind.

  4. How can you call yourself a reporter and NOT have pictures of the two, wearing costumes at the booking.

  5. As much as I hate to say it, it IS free speech. This surprised a lot of people who knew me, as I am slightly to the right of Genghis Khan (fucking pinko). I would also add, that if you tried to do it in front of me, I'll kick the shit out of you. That said, I don't see as it matters in this case. He went on private property and set fire to something that didn't belong to him. Straight up arson.

    1. So many retards here. He burned OTHER PEOPLE'S flags. That is not free speech.

    2. To be considered free speech, there must be an underlying cause which the burning represents. Otherwise, one can just burn whatever they want.

      Some guy burns a huge bonfire in his small backyard in a neighborhood. The FD nor the PD can't extingiish the blaze nor take him into custody because he claims 1A? That's absurd.

      The claim made must be supported.

  6. No this isn't free speech. It's arson.
    If he burned his own flag on public property or his own property that would be free speech, but that isn't what he did. He trespassed on private property and started fires that endangered the lives and destroyed property of the inhabitants.
    Here in Mississippi he would be facing a potential sentence of 25 years per incident.

    1. Correct. The charges have nothing whatsoever to do with free speech. Anyone that wants to burn a flag can go to the store and buy one, bring home to their own property and have at it.

    2. Here in Wyoming he'd be pushing up daisies by lunch tomorrow.

    3. Even so, there is the fire code. Either the claim of free speech is, or it is not. Let's hear the support of the claim.

      Because if I burn a pile of linen which I own, on my own property, it is no different than burning red, and white, and blue linen. And if I choose to make the pile 50 feet tall, so be it. Free speech y'all.

      Oh wait, I must support the claim? Yes, because the red, white, and blue linen arrayed in a specific design represents something. It is the opposition of that representation upon which the claim of free speech resides.
      Otherwise, its burn day on my property every day of the year. Population density, or dry weather conditions notwithstanding. And next is that old junker in the frobt yard. She'll burn beight, what with all that motor oil.

      Free speech! Woo woo!


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