
Wednesday, December 07, 2022
Marauding Bands Of Looters Are Stealing Billions Of Dollars Worth Of Merchandise As America Descends Into Lawlessness
Three years ago, I bet that 99 percent of my readers had never heard of ORC. Of course by now almost everyone knows that ORC stands for “organized retail crime”, and it is prompting retailers to permanently shut down stores all over the nation. Right now, retail theft is happening from coast to coast on a scale that we have never seen in our entire history. Marauding bands of looters are barging into stores, grabbing as much merchandise as they can possibly carry, and then loading it into their vehicles. Online marketplaces make it easier than ever to turn stolen goods into cash, and at this point organized retail crime has become a multi-billion dollar business. As I have repeatedly warned my readers, America is descending into lawlessness. The thin veneer of civilization that we all depend upon on a daily basis is rapidly disappearing, and if we stay on this path our society will soon be completely unrecognizable.
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Ah, Tyler Durden of Zerohedge. Is he late to the SHTF party? Or is he an operator pushing gloom and doom? I bet the latter, he's a glowie. Because doom in the form of ORC is only coming to places with high populations of vibrant diversity.
ReplyDelete-Mike G.
Tyler Durden is the name they use for anonymous authors.
DeleteIf you read carefully you'll see the author is Michael Snyder (pushing his book(s) and brand of the end of the world for over 10 years).
DeleteSteve S6
There's a cure for this shit. The sudden loud smack of a bullet striking flesh and bone and one of the other perps getting covered with blood, flesh scraps and bone fragments followed by the distant report of a gun shot, followed by more smacks and gun shot sounds.
ReplyDeleteThe mayors of those towns that let the lawlessness get out of hand in 2020 led to where we are today. On the very first night of the looting, if the police had been allowed to take matters in hand as described above, we wouldn't be where we are today.
Luckily, I live in a city in a Constitutional Carry state and the cops here don't screw around. There is some crime. Every medium to large city has it. However, just the threat of being confronted by an armed citizen keeps crime in check here, in addition to good policing.
A agree with of what you say, Nemo. Unfortunately, you are not going far enough. If a group enters a neighborhood to cause trouble, then ensure they ALL leave in a bag. Word will get out sooner or later to the criminals they no longer have the upper hand.
DeleteI will never have any sympathy for politicians, lawyers or even cops who defend/promote this behavior; and if they somehow get greased following their beliefs, who cares?
As well, by noting the cops there don't screw around, you imply they enforce the LAW, not the whims of politicians - then bravo!
It may sound harsh but I say shoot them. Play with fire and you get your ass shot. Of course that would never fly with all the bleeding heart liberals.
ReplyDeleteI would be far more concerned about being arrested, booked, hiring a lawyer to defend me in court, and dealing with all the subsequent death threats, than I ever would practicing some retro-active abortions on these assholes..
DeleteWill soon be unrecognizable?
ReplyDeleteGuess the race time.
ReplyDeleteBut but but but but, Democrats are in charge so it is all worth it.
ReplyDeleteMuh diversity at work. And oh how they scream when these retailers first try to lock up the high value goods. They scream louder again when that doesn't work and they slam the doors shut and run, not walk away from spiraling losses. Those retailers are expected to just stay and take it... you know... for the community.
ReplyDeleteIt's starting to happen here in australia and also New Zealand
ReplyDeleteI am surprised about that. I understand that when responsible citizens don't have guns to protect themselves crime no longer exists. Your response must be fake news, soon to be suppressed by the Main Scream Media, except Twitter of course. 😇😊😎
DeleteIt must be a bitch to not use guns to defend yourself!
DeleteThe local Kroger has installed a one-way gate inside their entrance so that you can't just fill your cart and exit through the entrance.
ReplyDeleteMaybe they should redesign the anti-theft devices to include paint bombs like banks use to tag stolen cash.
All part of a bigger plan. Until the african/thieves and the politician that incite this behavior are held accountable nothing will change. Timely and permanent accountability liberally applied is in order. Any that stand in the way are culpable and receive the same.
ReplyDeleteIn the 80's I worked retail meat in a couple of different high volume, high food stamp stores. It was shocking to see the rampant theft then, and even more so the casual, entitled attitude the perps had...zero connection to how they were affecting others in their neighborhood with their behavior. Retailers combat theft/shrink 3 ways: countermeasures, raising prices, and eventually closing stores. A feral populace fed a diet high in entitlement and victimhood by leftist politicians and communist trained "academia" are hastening the collapse of our cities and eventually our country.
ReplyDeleteAnd they have the nerve to turn around and suggest that the dead economic zones and food deserts where they live are due to white racism or something. It is all fun and games for them in these early stages, at least until there is nothing left to loot and nowhere to buy food. Expanding the grazing areas to new turf might get sporty, certainly so they further from home they wander.
DeleteWhen the brothers are holding their tactical plastic ejection port down, I will have the crosshairs of my 33 WM perfectly horizontal and vertical.
ReplyDeleteyup. saw this shit back in philly all the time. over the years a few supermarkets tried to operate there. they all end up closing due to shoplifting. or leakage as they call it.
ReplyDeleteand then they wonder and complain about no stores to shop and buy food.
even the small Korean stores keep EVERYTHING behind plastic.
Old news. As far back as Watts#1 (1965 for you Younglings), the Wakandans were pillaging the retailers in their 'hoods. In the 80's, they branched out to the more upper-scale 'burbs in Orange County and SE LA County. Their specialty was smash-and-grab at high-end stores. Why do you think North Idaho is referred to as Blue Heaven? The cops saw what was happening early on. They took their pensions and evacuated. Amerikan ist verloren. Bleib ubrig.
ReplyDeleteWhat??? The Golden Age of Shoplifting is full strength here in pueblo west.
ReplyDeletePeople running these stores know exactly what is happening. It won't be long in person shopping will be very rare. Electronic shopping and payment. Curbside pick up. The big question is how long will it take to lock the front doors?
For the retailer there is a fairly simple construction solution. When I was working as a carpenter I helped build two man traps. Only a limited # of people could be let in and only a limited number of people let out. All the doors could be locked remotely. It would be interesting to see this on a bigger scale.
When entire schools of people are completely unskilled, unable to read or do math, they are pretty unemployable. So they turn to crime pretty much as their vocation. Petty crime at first; it all will evolve into violent crime soon.
ReplyDeleteI forget the details but there's a grocery store in Detroit that has armed guards on a watchtower
ReplyDeleteFrom CNN...
Delete"Hunger hits Detroit's middle class:
Food has long been an issue in this city without a major supermarket. Now demand for assistance is rising, affecting a whole new set of people."
This press-release is from 2009.
I suspect, as demands for assistance rise, boldness of the demanders generates an 'equal and opposite reaction'... to quote Sir Ike Newton.