
Friday, December 16, 2022

Maybe Doug should've hired a better lawyer instead

A Georgia divorce attorney was shot dead by the estranged husband of one of his clients before the disgruntled man torched his office with his remains still inside, authorities allege. 

Lawrenceville police say Doug Lewis was alone inside his offices on Stone Mountain Street Wednesday evening when Allen Tayeh walked in and shot him dead.


I held no animosity towards my ex-wife's lawyer. Matter of fact, I actually felt sorry for the guy - he was so outclassed by mine it wasn't funny.
My ex hired the cheapest lawyer she could find while I hired the best one I couldn't afford. Her lawyer was in his very first year of practice while mine had over 20 years worth of experience in family court, and she tore him to shreds in every hearing we went to. All I could do was sit there and go "Daaamn..."


  1. From the article: "...beloved divorce attorney..."

    Now, those are three words you seldom see together.

  2. Do you know why divorces cost so much? Because they're worth it!

  3. I know my ex wife was banging her attorney during the settlement, but I was smart enough to let it go. Before the divorce I was living in misery and getting laid about twice a month, but if I'da offed Avenatti, Jr. I would have been living in misery and getting laid 4 times a day for life in the state pen.

  4. Never been there, but guessing you can't stand up and say, "Excuse me, your honor, but I need to go outside the courtroom and laugh my ass off."

  5. I might not be married, but a man has every reason to hide his assets. The less people know about, the less they can steal.

    - Arc

    1. Roger the "hide his assets".
      Especially from our benevolent government.

  6. This is local for me. Doug Lewis was a dirtbag. The guy that offed him did the world a service.

  7. I asked around and hired the 'best' lawyer. (most expensive) $24,000 in 1986 dollars and my ex mother in law complained because I got the best. haha, kinda like Putin complaining about Ukraine being 'aggressive'.


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