
Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Oregon governor commutes all 17 of state’s death sentences

Oregon Gov. Kate Brown announced Tuesday that she is commuting the sentences of all of the state’s 17 inmates awaiting execution, saying their death sentences will be changed to life in prison without the possibility of parole.


  1. There's nothing that communist bint will do to surprise me.

  2. Just think... the lesbian that's about to replace 'bisexual' Kate Brown is probably ten times as radical as she is.

  3. I don't care about your laws and legislature, I'm a liberal!

  4. Life without parole translates to they'll all be released for "time served" in January

  5. $1 will get you $10 that the next Democrat governor will reduce them to time served and release them.

  6. all those lawyers and judges with nothing to do now. How do the non-profits going to make money if they dont have death row inmates to prostitute? Will the prison guards just play cards all day with noone to watch.

  7. How touching, the victim's families get a big "F*ck You!" just in time for Christmas.
    - WDS

    1. They already got the fuck you when the government stole money from them to pay for the trials and incarceration

  8. Just to be clear, the feelings and ideals of a single leftist just pissed on everything that put those scum on death row. All the victims lives and the tears and anguish and grief of their families. Every bit of the efforts and heartache of the police, investigators, forensic specialists, prosecutors, witnesses, jurors and judges involved through the entire process and then all the appeals where everyone involved spent a lot of time and effort on each case and ultimately agreed that those low lifes should die.

    Nope, one single leftist twat decided to just pitch that all out the window.

    We're doomed.

  9. Screw the taxpayers, we'll spend better than $70K/year each to keep them alive.

  10. Almost half the states don't have the death penalty nor do quite a number of countries we'd consider civilized. There are some compelling arguments against state sanctioned executions. And, no, I'm not a pacifist nor do I believe there are no circumstances that dont need a state sanctioned bullet.

    1. Read through this whole comment and couldn't find a point.

  11. "Democrats have consistently chosen criminals over victims.”
    Dems ARE the criminals, rest of us are the victims.

    Remember her 2020 Ugly Christmas Covid mask? What do you expect from someone that comes up with that shytte?
    Steve S6

  12. I see it from a different perspective. According to DNA results, some 7% of all people on death row for murder are actually not guilty, at least of that crime. They are not necessarily choir boys, but they are not guilty of the crime that they are awaiting the death penalty for.
    So that means that the state could possibly put to death someone who is innocent of the charge for which they are being killed. That totally calls the idea of the death penalty into a whole new light, and makes it the most wicked, vile, and non Christian thing that we as a Judeo/Christian nation could allow.
    To support the death penalty, while knowing that the very real possibility of mistakenly killing an innocent person exists, makes it anathema. I am far from a bleeding heart. I am a Christian, who believes in self defense, and carry a gun concealed, for the defense of myself and those under my care. I am willing and able to use it, if forced to, and can live with the possibility of taking another's life, if that is the result. What I cannot accept is purposefully taking of someone's life who is innocent of anything.
    It is not right to say things like in order to make an omelet you must break a few eggs, or to imply the same thing. One innocent life taken by the government in the name of the people is horrific, and should never be allowed to happen again.

    1. High ideals sound nice, but reality is nature, red of tooth and claw.

      Human animals are the apex predators.

      We humans all die, but many of us commit horrific crimes before expiring.

      Those who do should be punished and prevented from committing omore crimes.

      There are a lot that need killed.

  13. Sigh. So glad I no longer live there.


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