
Monday, December 05, 2022

Quick, somebody get that couple some hot chocolate or something

BURNSVILLE, Minn. (FOX 9) - We know there’s a Grinch in Whoville, but there might also be one in Burnsville. 

A couple in Burnsville were extremely hurt to have someone criticize their holiday decorations in an anonymous letter.


"We received the letter, and (Adam) was just crushed. He was teary-eyed. He's like, ‘What do I do? Do I take it down?’" said his wife, Brandi Joy.


  1. Obligatory annual reminder to 'Leave the Christmas Folk Alone!'

  2. Fuck them! Put more up!

  3. Adam was teary-eyed? Get a grip, guy. Post the letter in your yard next to a blow-up middle finger.

    1. Winner!!!

    2. Yeah, No. Your comment is the antithesis of the Christmas spirit.

      If you had read the article itself you would know Christmas season and him decorating his yard helps with his continuing recovery and sobriety. Receiving the letter did have a negative affect on him but his overall response to the letter showed his true humanity.

      You not so much

      But you do you tough guy.

    3. His overall response showed his true inner woman.

    4. Bwaahahahaha!


    5. You're new here, anon? We don't abide by pussies, wimps, or cucks.

  4. Ha ha ha. I've been known as the "Chevy Chase" yard in my community for years. Someone doesn't like em, fuck off. I don't care. I'd relish in the fact if I got a letter like that knowing I pissed off some sort of snowflake. But this dude getting teary eyed? Man up pussy.

  5. Inflatables are the pink flamingos of wintertime.

  6. I don't do the festivities but for those that do, I hope it's a wonderful time for you.

  7. If the anonymous nasty letter sender had followed up with a can of gas and burned their house down, I might just have a little sympathy for them, but for now it's just the usual "Sticks and Stones Words will never hurt you”. Condolence.

  8. Teary-eyed? This is what Minnesota is raising these days? His ancestry does not contain Norse blood. He would need three hands to use a two-handed sword.

  9. I suggest she change her/she panties for her/she. Help wipe the pee off.

  10. 1) Locate Grinch Karen/Ken.
    2) Place fist sized rock in winter sock.
    3) Insert rock-in-sock in good sized red and white Christmas stocking.
    4) Catch Grinch Karen/Ken out and about.
    5) Vigorously beat the living dog shit out of Grinch while loudly singing
    "Santa Claus is Coming to Town".

  11. Holy shit, somebody get the man some Midol

  12. Adam needs to realize that opinions are like a butt hole. Both require proper care or they begin to stink. Never bother yourself with the opinions of stupid.

  13. Flippin' awful reportage. WHERE'S THE LETTER? Are they going to plead victim over someone being grumpy about their cheesy blowup "decorations" or did the offender really take their inventory and bust out insults about wasted power and global warming? I expect the local news to at least be BETTER than national and geopolitical.

    By the time we're dead, there will be no approximation of journalism left in America.

    1. The letter is in the video. Did you watch it?

  14. The complainer needs to get a fuckin' life. Way too many people go off the rails when one asshole complains about anything. Saw a story last night on the LA news about one person's complaint is resulting in ending the kids pony ride at Griffith Park. That's ONE person! Unbelievable!


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