
Tuesday, December 13, 2022

US Household Wealth Falls for 3rd Consecutive Quarter

U.S. household wealth fell by $400 billion in the third quarter as a drop in U.S. stock prices outpaced gains in real estate values, a Federal Reserve report showed Friday.


  1. So if we don't have anything in the market and paid off our house, does that mean we made money?

  2. The democrat/socialist/communist plan remains on track.

  3. "Yawn" This has been going on since I was born in 54. Some have a problem grasping the obvious.

  4. Pre covid I was putting about $1800 a month into savings. My wife and I are both retired and have retirement pensions. The amount has steadily gone down and 5 months ago I had to pull a little bit of money out of savings to cover our lifestyle that had not changed. I have pulled more a bit more every month since and I am now pulling out about $1000 to cover expenses.

  5. The business man that used to run shit around here had me and everyone I know smiling ear to ear as far as our retirement/investments/401k was concerned and then a guy that's never had a job other than being a career politician takes over and everything goes to shit.


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