#1 I did that as a kid. Not with all the fancy equipment though. All bull work. Blocks were probably a forth of the length in the video. Took em to an ice house. A layer of sawdust, layer of ice, layer of sawdust and so on until the ice house was full.
#7 - My cat is fearless to a fault and has even been seen chasing dogs off the property. But he refuses to tangle with rats. Can't say that I blame him.
#9, a friend of mine got some kind of award, for saving a fellow flight deck worker, who almost was knocked off the side of the carrier. I don't know the exact details, but my friend grabbed some kind of a handhold, and then grabbed his fellow sailor, keeping him from going into the ocean. It sounded like it was a pretty big deal at the time. The entire thing was unexpected as far as the jet taking off, etc. My friend was the brother of my sister in law, who is married to my brother. He dies last summer, after years of alcohol abuse, a sad thing. He was 62, my age. I was married to their cousin, at one time. Small town and all, you know. I was actually my own brother's cousin, for 11 years. Their mom and my ex wife's mom were sisters. A man I worked with for years knew both sisters, and their other family members. He told me that the women from that family were always bitches. He really did know them.
I dig, pigpen51. I'm from a little town outside Atlanta and my family is so Southern that at one time early in his life my father was his own first cousin. After his parents married his father's father, a widower, married his mother's mother, a widow. Thus, my father's parents were stepsiblings, and the children of siblings are first cousins...
#1 - Fun Fact - At the beginning of the 19th Century, the United States' biggest export, by weight, was ice. Ponds were constructed in New England, harvested in Winter, packed in sawdust, and shipped by sailing ship as far away as India.
I was TAD on the USS Saratoga. Aircrewmen getting blown overboard by the jet blast happened quite often. When that happens, the ships takes emergency muster, which takes for-ev-err to find out who it was that's in the water!
#1 - When I saw the ice, the first thing I though of was beer. Then I saw #2 and laughed my ass off! #7 - I love how the cat is sitting there sayin' "I told you the thing's crazy!"
#9 - that final checker needs to be little more outboard of the A-6. Looks like if he would have rolled into the JBD it would have cracked his back. Guarantee his squadron Safety Officer had a nice little talk with him.
Exactly, if #9 had caught that JBD he could have been launched like #10 and that would be no fun. Had a guy broke his back when he got blown into the front landing gear of an A6. You got to keep your head on a swivel boys
#8 Could've been me. Was a meatcutter/ butcher/ sausage maker for many years. Enjoyed it much. If only my back could've kept up. Brings back fond memories. Of hard work, and happy customers
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#2 just like a bad drunk at closing time.
ReplyDelete#4 just seems gross to me.
Never had much respect for Kenyan table manners here.
#4, what else dat mouf do?
ReplyDeleteI bet she can suck-srart a Harley...
Delete#6: Don't say a lot for the human race, but I'm not surprised or shocked.
ReplyDelete#1 I did that as a kid. Not with all the fancy equipment though. All bull work. Blocks were probably a forth of the length in the video. Took em to an ice house. A layer of sawdust, layer of ice, layer of sawdust and so on until the ice house was full.
ReplyDelete#7 - nothing more crazy than a shit-house rat!
ReplyDelete#8 - I've made sausage, but never that fast! Wow.
#7. Nope, a democRAT. They make you appreciate the other rats.
DeleteCovid clots
Delete#7 - My cat is fearless to a fault and has even been seen chasing dogs off the property. But he refuses to tangle with rats. Can't say that I blame him.
ReplyDeleteIt’s called;
Delete“Professional courtesy”
#9, a friend of mine got some kind of award, for saving a fellow flight deck worker, who almost was knocked off the side of the carrier. I don't know the exact details, but my friend grabbed some kind of a handhold, and then grabbed his fellow sailor, keeping him from going into the ocean.
ReplyDeleteIt sounded like it was a pretty big deal at the time. The entire thing was unexpected as far as the jet taking off, etc.
My friend was the brother of my sister in law, who is married to my brother. He dies last summer, after years of alcohol abuse, a sad thing. He was 62, my age. I was married to their cousin, at one time. Small town and all, you know. I was actually my own brother's cousin, for 11 years. Their mom and my ex wife's mom were sisters.
A man I worked with for years knew both sisters, and their other family members. He told me that the women from that family were always bitches. He really did know them.
Well,..that was a wild ride.
DeleteI dig, pigpen51. I'm from a little town outside Atlanta and my family is so Southern that at one time early in his life my father was his own first cousin. After his parents married his father's father, a widower, married his mother's mother, a widow. Thus, my father's parents were stepsiblings, and the children of siblings are first cousins...
#2 Priceless
ReplyDelete#1 - Fun Fact - At the beginning of the 19th Century, the United States' biggest export, by weight, was ice. Ponds were constructed in New England, harvested in Winter, packed in sawdust, and shipped by sailing ship as far away as India.
ReplyDelete#4 So she learned to eat like a pig and is proud of that? Or is she really advertising some other service?
ReplyDeleteI was TAD on the USS Saratoga. Aircrewmen getting blown overboard by the jet blast happened quite often. When that happens, the ships takes emergency muster, which takes for-ev-err to find out who it was that's in the water!
ReplyDelete#2- Such a gritcy fowl drunk..!
ReplyDelete#1 - When I saw the ice, the first thing I though of was beer. Then I saw #2 and laughed my ass off!
ReplyDelete#7 - I love how the cat is sitting there sayin' "I told you the thing's crazy!"
#9 - that final checker needs to be little more outboard of the A-6. Looks like if he would have rolled into the JBD it would have cracked his back. Guarantee his squadron Safety Officer had a nice little talk with him.
ReplyDeleteExactly, if #9 had caught that JBD he could have been launched like #10 and that would be no fun. Had a guy broke his back when he got blown into the front landing gear of an A6. You got to keep your head on a swivel boys
ReplyDelete#8 Could've been me. Was a meatcutter/ butcher/ sausage maker for many years. Enjoyed it much. If only my back could've kept up. Brings back fond memories. Of hard work, and happy customers
#2 Since beer is made from grains, wonder how feed chickens beer would affect egg production, growth?
ReplyDeleteIt'll probably drop. My hens lay more eggs on pellets than they do grains. Pellets are formulated for better egg production.
Delete#4. Wish my wife knew how to “eat spaghetti “ like that.
ReplyDelete#6 Trying for the Darwin award??
ReplyDeleteThere's a reason fireworks have launching tubes. What the heck did he think was going to happen?
DeleteNo tube for that, it's essentially a big bottle rocket.
DeleteYou *are* supposed to let go once the rocket starts, though.
#1 looks like modern equipment. Who is still harvesting ice over a century after freezers were invented?