
Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Well, it does need a cable reel as an end table



  1. Especially after a divorce

  2. I would a move comfortable chair at the most

  3. Men see nothing wrong because there is nothing wrong with this!

  4. Hell, my 1st apartment had even less than that for the 1st month. A 13" screen TV sitting on box it came in, with a foam pad leaned against the wall. 36" square card table with folding chairs. A full length foam pad for sleeping. And that was it. Hung a couple of pictures on wall, a calender taped on the inside wall cabinet door. Simplicity.

    Cable reel end table - now your just trying to impress the female company, frickin' yuppie ! 8^)

  5. The author clearly never went through a divorce.

  6. Ya know I've owned probably six or eight couches and don't think I ever sat or laid on one. Once in a blue moon Lee will lay one ours. We don't own a tv so no lounging and watching the tube. Point is in my home what a waste of money and space. I wanna lay down I go to the bed. Hell, I even hate curtains. Although seeing them blow in a summers wind is pretty cool. The closest neighbor or road is a long ways away.

  7. This is why men are generally happier. The garage however.....

  8. Yeah, that is pretty much the years of study and first few at a real job,. so what? My rule back then was "incur no debt" and by god, dumpster diving is an honest trade. Even my first TV in 79 was a curbside find, 12 inch B&W someone tossed, all it needed was a new on-off switch.
    As my dad always said, one man's trash is another mans gold. Live it.

  9. I had less than that after the divorce.

    Worked with a guy in the oilfield 40-odd years ago had the following in a 2-bedroom apartment after living in it four years: one 20" TV, one TV stand, one recliner, one lamp, one end table for the lamp, one refrigerator and one mattress. The refrigerator came with the apartment. When you're working a hundred hours a week like we were, or more, you aren't home long enough to use anything else. Why a 2-bedroom apartment? Housing shortage, you took what you could get.

  10. Yep. That's my dad's post-second/third divorce (for some reason he married the second one twice) apartment, but he did have two cable reels. Was livin' large.

    Midwest Chick

  11. LOL faggot got blinds instead of garbage bags or tarps.

  12. That looks like my second year out on my own, after I had accumulated some wealth. Had to get into year three when I built a couch out of scrap pallet lumber and some carpet scraps.

  13. Keep in mind I haven't had a tv in over thirty years. Never fooled with them much before then. What to hell is a cable reel in regard to a tv?

    1. Set it on its side and you have someplace to set your beer and spare magazines on.

    2. Where are the cement blocks and 1" x 10" shelving?

  14. Wasted money on a new floor that could have been a comfortable chair.

  15. Can relate to that. Now, at an old age, I’ve got too much stuff, except for my tactical load out.

  16. At my age, I need a comfortable chair, or better yet, a recliner. Those bag chairs are too uncomfortable for me, and cause lower back pain if I sit in them too long.

  17. As long as the can of beer is within reach, you're OK.

  18. Women really hate how little it takes for us to be happy.

  19. It needs a dog... maybe three, and a good rifle on the wall.

    - Arc

  20. The lamp needs to be in a corner behind him. Where it is now will make the tv harder to see.

  21. I don't see anything wrong with that... put a box next to the chair to put crap on & personally I'd look for a better chair as I'm not a fan of those umbrella chairs but that will do the job.

  22. Ah, I was thinking something electrical. Yep had a spool in one of my homes years ago.

  23. Wait till it gets all fancy with milk crates and a plank lifted from the job site hehe livin large then, even a place for 📚

  24. I'm sorry, what am I missing here??? Is there something wrong with this picture I can't see?

    1. It's very basic, that bothers some people.


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