
Tuesday, December 06, 2022

Well, they're French - they have to surrender something to somebody

French gun owners are surrendering their weapons in record numbers at police collection points across the country as a round up of unlicensed firearms winds down.


  1. One thing you have to take into consideration is international media and the French government are not exactly known for their honesty. What constitutes "record numbers" and who benefits by spreading manure?

    1. Really. 10 being turned in this year vs 0 turned in last year constitutes 1000% increase in turning in, a 'record.'

    2. As I learned from a friend of mine who lives and owns a business there, everyone keeps 2 sets of books. The real numbers, and those you show the gubmint. I have a feeling the vast majority of the guns being turned in are of the C&R variety while the real firearms are being kept hidden and well cared for.

    3. Currently, of the estimated 6,000 000+ unlicensed firearms in France, a bit over 1% have been turned in, so while there may be lot more people disarming themselves than in past years, it also mean ythat over 98% of those unlicensed firearms aren't being turned in. I'd say the "amnesty" is a failure.

  2. Lafayette we are not there...........yet.

    1. ????What you taking about, Lafayette came to save your ass against the Brits !

  3. Don't write off the French too quickly, I have Norman ancestry and I'll be keeping my rifles. I'm pretty sure the alphas in recent centuries either left for the new world, died in WW2, or went to the French Foreign Legion.

    Humans have selectively breeding themselves to be docile livestock for thousands of years, so this surrender isn't surprising. Quoting the article “Eighty to ninety percent of these weapons are in their possession due to an inheritance.” Easy times make weak people.

    - Arc

    1. The French male has never recovered height from WWII when all the tall ones went to war.

  4. Fools and idiots!
    Anyone wanna bet the Muslims are keeping theirs?

  5. Any time that I read about anything to do with French firearms, it reminds me of the funny advertisement: "WW2 French Army rifle for sale. Never fired. Only dropped once."

    1. Oh you mean like all the ones you left in Vietnam and Afganistan just to name a few

    2. Hey Anonymous - Besides you hiding behind your computer, you certainly need to get a life.

    3. Anon at 4:42 PM - do you personally know John Wear or any other American left their arms in Vietnam or Afghanistan? Do you really THINK any Patriot or most of the population is OK with how either of those campaigns were conducted or ended?
      I and many others think Biden committed a form of treason by leaving any materiel behind in Afghanistan, especially given how they conducted the withdrawal which I think was partly done to further discredit Trump, which is why they kept on insisting they were following his plan. Maybe, maybe not, but he sure didn't bother to keep any of his other plans, deals or EO even if they were good for the country.

  6. Actually, 0 to 10 would be an infinite % increase.
    Infinitely stupid.

  7. Sacré Bleu!!! This proves that they're cheese eating surrender monkeys...

    1. This proves that you don't know shit about your own country America, forgot about the armistice with N Corea and I will not stoop to your very low level and insult you as you deserve for being an ignoramus who repeat shit without knowing anything, at least the man in charge at that time had enough sense to know not to send soldiers to die for nothing like you in Afganistan !!

    2. The French that helped the American Revolution were Royalists who got their heads cut off a few years later. The ones that were left have needed help ever since.

  8. Any populace willing to disarm themselves do not deserve to be defended by US military personnel. This doesn’t surprise me.

  9. 6-7 millón guns estimated 60000 turned in. Record numbers.

    1. Realistic numbers have US at 600 mil. A lot of old guns refuse to die

  10. The French have come a long way from Lafayette and Napoleon. They do however have no qualms about taking to the streets when their .gov makes a move to further subjugate them. Then their .gov threatens to take away their 8 weeks of mandatory vacation and .gov funded retirement at 55 and they cave.

    Hope they like freezing their asses off this winter after their .gov closed all of their nuke and coal fired electricity plants because some teen aged truant yelled at them. Effing pussies. They should have publicly spanked her scrawny little butt and told her to go back to high school and stop bothering the adults.

    Then they contract with a certifiable lunatic for their oil and Nat. gas believing that he would never cut off their supplies because they made their economies dependent on his good will. Idiots.

    They have the utter gall to look down their noses at the U.S. after we bailed them out TWICE last century AND rebuilt their country FOR FREE.

    I hope they get whatever's coming at them good and hard. Maybe that'll teach them who their real friends are in this world.


    1. you were able to save their ass twice only because you returned the favor when they saved your own ass from the Brits, actually you came into those wars because it was beneficial to your government at the time.

      As far as vacation time and 55 year old for retiring you are only just jealous, you wish you had those benefits but actually no, they can not all retire at 55, you red too much propaganda

    2. Nice of you to identify yourself anon@5:16. You must be real proud of your comment.

      How many French soldiers and or sailors died during the American Revolution compared to how many American soldiers, sailors and airmen died liberating France from German occupation during the two world wars last century? There's no comparison. French deaths from all causes during the American Revolution were minimal (I actually can't identify a number) compared to over 500,000+ Americans in WWI&WWII.

      The reasons that France involved itself in the American Revolution were 1. Revenge for their defeat during the Seven Years War against the British and 2. France recognized the economic potential of being able to do business in The Colonies that had been proscribed by the British during their rule.

      Did the French supply of gunpowder and shot and its blockade of the British during the American Revolution have an effect on the outcome? Yes it did. However, the fighting and dieing during that war was between British troops, German mercenaries and American troops and sailors.

      The fact that SOME French citizens can retire at 55 is NOT Propaganda. You even admit it in your comment. The current minimum age for retirement of most French people is 62, same as ours. I couldn't find info on when this age change occurred.

      As to their .gov mandated vacation time, why yes I used to jealous. However, this .gov prescribed mandatory vacation time makes everything French more costly in their own country and any countries they do business with which is big reason why they're a second tier economic power.

      There's a reason that there's a joke about French rifles for sale.

      Now they're compounding the problem by turning in firearms that the French government knows nothing about. Can't wait for the crying and gnashing of teeth when the French .gov imposes further tyranny on their people.

      The French government's next move will be taking farmland to comply with EU cowfart rules just like what's happening in the Netherlands. That'll be the excuse to take land to build housing for all of their illegal middle eastern aliens. How are they going to fight that with no firearms? They'll be in the same boat as their neighbors to the north. They can't fight because they've disarmed THEMSELVES in this case.

      We won't be there to bail them out this time.


    3. You forgot to thank them for the conflict in Vietnam, they tried to control them and failed.

  11. Can someone else take a turn when it's time to save their miserable asses again?
    The Swedes haven't done shit in a long while......

  12. A French officer overheard a British officer explaining that British officers wore red coats to conceal the blood of battle from the troops under their command, thereby not inducing shock or fear in those troops....from that day forward all French officers have worn brown pants....

  13. Fools. Does anyone think Muslims are this stupid?

    1. The only truly STUPID TURD on this forum is "Anonymous."


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