
Tuesday, December 13, 2022

What? Panhandlers lie? Who knew?

OCALA, Fla. - "Beware of roadside scammers!"

That's the warning from Ocala police after posting photos of panhandlers that they say are using false stories and fictitious signs to get money out of sympathetic citizens. 

"Roadside panhandlers are becoming a common sight in many cities, and they can be very persuasive," the department wrote on Facebook. "However, it's important to remember that not all of these individuals are truly in need. Many of them are scammers who use false stories and fictitious signs to prey on the generosity of kind-hearted people."


Must've been a slow news day for that station. Other than the guy holding a sign saying "I'm not gonna lie, I want a beer" I've always assumed that all of them were running a scam.


  1. Late this past summer, I had my bike parked on Main St. in Manchester waiting for other riders to show up. I had already gone to the restaurant across the street for a breakfast sandwich and a coffee and was enjoying them while seated on the stone wall. An old female street urchin staggered up to me asking for money because she claimed to be hungry. I told her I wasn't giving her a single penny, but I will take her back across the street and buy her as much of anything on the menu she wanted. She declined and waddled off. "Yeah... I thought so!" I said as she left.

    I was not surprised at all.

  2. The only "charity" I give these aggressive useless bums is the finger.

  3. "Roadside panhandlers are becoming a common sight in many cities" mean like every traffic light intersection and every shopping center? Yes, that common. (RickeyG)

  4. I was in Ocala yesterday and had a broad come up to my window. I ignore them. I won't even say fuck off. It's best if you act like they don't exist.

    1. You mean Oc a La

    2. You cannot go anywhere in Ocala anymore without seeing beggars, 441/Pine Ave is particularly annoying. The ones who really piss me off are the ones who claim to be “homeless vets” - I really want to bitch-slap those lying bastards.

  5. Plenty of them where I live and fit reasons I still cannot fathom , their panhandling is protected under free speech. Most while not dressed to the nines have clothing and footwear that's relatively new, clean and in good repair and thus do not appear to be that needy .

  6. My brother used to manage a drug store. There were a few panhandlers in the area and they'd all do the same thing with their money: come into the store and buy every scratch ticket they could afford.

    When a panhandler or anyone else I don't know approaches my car, my only thought is "is this a carjacking?" and I absolutely could not care less about what they have to say. People who think differently around here wind up getting carjacked eventually.

  7. I saw one of those guys with a " Hell, why lie. I need a beer" signs. Gave him $5 for being honest.

  8. None of those panhandlers/beggars around my parts. No crime either. We all know each other.

  9. I heard tell that making the pan handler signs is a growing cottage business.

  10. Why Ocala with all the bums? Because the damned yankees are shipping them there, as Marion County is very conservative (especially compared to Alachua County.)

  11. Roma Gypsie scam, you…tube it

  12. My standard response to a pan handler , "You want money ? Do what I do , Work for it."

  13. I keep employment applications in the truck for when they stop by to beg. You would think they would appreciate a hand up but normally it just pisses them off.

  14. Dateline: Columbia SC
    So, I'm out running errands Monday. Lowes Hardware, Walmart & Publix all had multiple beggers at every entrance and exit to their parking lots. These peeps are having a tough time out there in their puff coats, $200 sneakers and hoping their $1000 iPhone doesn't die. One even had her 2 kids with her for added effect. They don't just have dingy cardboard signs saying "Help" either, they've got big white signs with long stories on 'em.
    - WDS

  15. I saw a meme:
    * begger-stoner-goofball holding a sign... "I Lost My Weed In A Series Of Small Fires"
    Probably some truth to that.


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