
Tuesday, December 13, 2022

You expected something different?



  1. I reckon slather it with sauce and what ever else they put on it then ya can hardly taste the compressed dog food eh? I've never seen one and don't want to. I don't believe I've been in a Ratburger since I was a stupid kid paying twenty-five cents for a burger. I think the joint I went to was Carrolls but back then, the sixties, I did hit a McDonalds some where along the line.

  2. I've read that the McRib was originally created to be put into MREs as one of the menu options and after reading that, I remembered, Oh yes, I've eaten that. The company making it then had an operating production line with a product needing sale, and offered it to McD's.
    A match made in (heaven/hell)?


    1. A hardy competitor of "Chicken, Chopped, Chunked and Formed" and the 4 Fingers of Death.

    2. The “ham slice in natural juices” was always a favorite, especially in cold weather when the “natural” juices would congeal into a slimy gelatin. Mmm, good chow.

  3. I remember the days when my Dad would go to McD's and get a bag of 20 burgers for 3 bucks, and a bag of fries for the same....all fresh in those days....fries were made from potatoes that were skinned and sliced in the restaurant....quality went out the door when they established centralized distribution of frozen then the golden arches were so ingrained in the conscience of American youth that it was almost a mindless exercise to pull thrus only enhanced it....

    1. Those fries were also cooked in beef tallow as I recall, hence their legendary taste. Now cooked in industrial waste oil...

    2. A life long Sonic drive in owner said the same thing, used purchase ingredients local and fresh, then corporate rules changed. Had to order frozen from corporate. They wouldn't even let him make onion rings fresh. The good ole days.

    3. I believe they were parboiled in tallow then fried.

    4. Over at In-n-Out, if you look in the back you can see the 50 pound burlap bags of whole potatoes, while a clean cut young stud out front gets his daily workout by chopping those taters into fries.

      Shades of the past, on display at a fast food chain today. Nice.

  4. I buy this buy the case too..they are not white they are pink like pink slime in burgers. These are either freezer burned or pure fat you decide

  5. Cooked them at mcdummys as a teenager in 1982, couldn't pay me to eat them.

  6. Oh yum! Extruded meat...

  7. Had one back in the 80s. Tasted like a McHotdog w/ barbecue sauce.

  8. Never had a McRib, in fact I avoid McDougles like the plague. Why should we eat artificial meat of the worst kind?

  9. My Father, A retired patent draftsman, Actually pen and inked the patent for the Mcrib. They sent a case of em to the house months before they went on the market. I think my mom threw them away.

  10. I'm reminded of the people who have documented that discarded McDonalds food will just sit on the ground for years. It won't rot or decay, and wild animals have no interest in eating it. It just sits there.

  11. Loved them back in the day, early 80's iirc.

  12. I'm proud to say I visit McDonald's regularly, every decade or two. In fact, I need to visit sometime in the next three years to keep my streak up. It is apparent, however, that other commentors on this post are not doing their part to add to McDs $102 billion in sales last year. Shirkers!

  13. I went to a Mccy D back on MCBH, I was shocked at how much it cost for the obscene joke of "food" that I got; it was barely a bite. I may have entered one in Japan, but other than that, I haven't been back and probably never will. Keep in mind though MCCY Ds is a real-estate company, not fast food chain.

    As long as Americans keep paying the American price and accept the world's lowest quality, they get what they deserve. Your wallet is one of the most powerful votes.

    - Arc

  14. I decided not eat there any more after the Board Executives at Ronald MacDonald House chose to punt the parents of sick kids out of their facilities if they were not vaxxed. They later said it was a "joke/not policy/error. " BS.


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