
Tuesday, January 03, 2023

Commentary: Congress Should Investigate ‘Gain-of-Function’ Research

I fear that the investigations Republicans have promised in the House next year will be little more than another round of toxic partisan gamesmanship. But there is one investigation Congress should undertake, and that is into so-called “gain-of-function” research.


  1. I always thought that was one of the good things that Nixon did. shut down our bio weapons
    program back in 1971 (?) I think it was. image the shock to find out we have 240 some biolabs all over the world. I think it is because doing it here is illegal ?
    and some of the shit projects that the evil little fuck funded make no sense at all, unless you wanted to harm small dogs and the like for some sick reason >

  2. Investigations sounds scary.
    Like building gallows to hang traitors scary.
    No posturing and jerking off this time scary.

  3. Why would congress investigate themselves, they're in on it....

  4. What he said: Congress will make noises and jump up and down, point fingers and make empty threats...and then go on a break. We're at a point that only one thing will make a difference, and that requires some organization. Without the FBI infiltration, of course.

  5. "Congress Should Investigate ‘Gain-of-Function’ Research"???
    They're too busy with "gain of net worth research"

  6. Hahahahaha. It is foolish to even dream that our former representative government will do a damn thing, foolish I say. They are all in on it, its a uniparty. Paulie is spot on. Look all these evil Cretans have Names, Addresses, and Routines. The evil cretans need a reminder of just what a bitch the laws of physics are. Reminders with “extreme prejudice”. Nothing changes until we the people take back control from this out of control government and all the evil deep state actors. One at a time at the local level, they all have names, addresses and routines. Its time to call in The Orkin Man. FFF22BOH. Your votes don’t matter, they are not listening.
    Saber 7


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