
Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Looks like HeiHei fucked around and found out

A vengefully protective mother has divided the internet over her decision to kill, cook, and eat a pet chicken who pecked her child in the face.

In a since deleted Facebook post, Magan Schmidt wrote about how her family's pet rooster HeiHei 'attacked' her daughter and nearly pecked out her eye.

Schmidt wrote that the chicken 'got what was coming to him,' and said the family would be having 'HeiHei nuggets for dinner.'


  1. Ok. But why is Megan's name spelled wrong?

  2. Nothing more satisfying than killing and eating the attacker.

  3. Though I can understand in theory that people object to this, IMHO it just underlines how disconnected and ill informed they are.

    This sort of thing has been standard practice for thousands of years. Of course you eat the troublesome, quarrelsome, aggressive chickens! Duh! They fact that it's a "pet" doesn't change that, if it pisses you off enough, it goes in the pot.

    Pretty sure this is the same logic that led to Vietnamese attitudes towards dogs too. Which I also have a hard time sympathizing with objections to. I can understand in our (ridiculously prosperous despite FJB) times that people think eating dogs is weird. Even today, it's common practice to kill dogs that kill chickens. In a lot of cases, there's really not much choice. If the families hungry, and the dog has to be killed anyway, it's kind of silly to bury it, isn't it?

    1. Where I'm from, it is legal for farmers to shoot any dog that attacks his livestock. It does not matter if said dog is someones beloved pet.

      One of my favorite Civil War movies is "Cold Mountain". One of my favorite scenes in that movie is when the city girl complains about the aggressive rooster. The country girl then grabs the rooster, wrings its head off, and says "He goes in the pot."

  4. Zac brown band “sic em on a chicken” !

  5. Psychotic mama wold probably do the same to a pet iguana that nipped her kid's finger as she did to that evil pecker. I've heard cooked iguana tastes just like chicken

    1. Every Bald Eagle and Red-tailed hawk tastes like chicke

    2. A California Condor tastes like a cross between Gunnison Sage-grouse and a California Least Tern.....

    3. No, California Condor tastes more like Spotted Owl, especially if you liberally sprinkle coarse black pepper on it's tail.

    4. You guys haven't lived until you've had roasted Peregrine Falcon.

  6. A rooster? Fine. If it would have been a chicken then no.
    You don't kill a chicken that lays an egg worth its weight in gold.

  7. DIVIDEDTHEINTERNET..................give me an f´n break

    1. Well, it sure divided me, I couldn't decide on lemon-pepper or BBQ sauce.

  8. You know - that rooster had to be put down - you can't have something that attacks small children around. Period. Roosters are aggressive by nature and not smart enough to grasp the concept of small children as innocents - another attack would definitely happen.

    Now, if you just put the rooster down and throw it away, it is just wasted. You should eat what you kill if possible. Besides: "Think of the children"©️ If you just disappear the rooster then that little girl will always be afraid of "monsters" that can attack her. However, Mama kills that monster and you freakin' eat it: you learn a great lesson about what happens to things or people that try to hurt you: they're gonna be sorry!

  9. Didn't our esteemed host, Wirecutter, do the same thing a couple of days ago for exactly the same reason? Holy smokes...some people see "pet" in a sentence and immediately lose their minds.

    1. Well, I didn't eat Two Point Five. The 357 magnum made sure there wasn't enough left to salvage.

    2. Pictures, or it didn't happen.

  10. It’s the Daily Fail. Clickbait. They are experts at making mountains out of molehills and then idiot “conservative” politicians try to rally around whatever new cause is created, when they should be fixing problems mainly by eliminating previously passed legislation. But that’s just me.

    Steve the Engineer

  11. Where the hell do they think Coq a Vin comes from?

  12. When I was a kid that would have earned you a "that'll teach you" instead of nuggets.
    Steve S6

  13. I live in a divided house. My wife views her chickens as pets that produce a few eggs. I'm of the firm conviction that chickens are food that can produce food.
    I knew there was gonna be problems when she named them...

  14. Come on... The only shame about this is that she couldn't kill it more than once.

  15. You can tell some of those commenter have never been attacked by a rooster.

    Our last one- I got tired of being ambushed from behind, so I grabbed a rake and hit him with the handle backhand and hit too high... he was woozy for a while until the pissed off Welsh-woman really thwacked him. Almost took his head off.


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