
Friday, January 27, 2023

Memphis PD Release Shocking Bodycam Footage of Five Cops Beating Tyre Nichols

Memphis PD released shocking bodycam footage of five police officers beating Tyre Nichols on January 7, the injuries from which cost him his life.


  1. Got the Legal ability to kill even their most productive.

  2. Those police officers were permitted to use the N-word, as was the suspect.

  3. God help us, I thought that we were past this type of barbarity..

  4. Murder charges for all.
    I watched 1 minute of the traffic stop video. I understand why he ran. He rightly feared for his life!
    You are never in more danger than when the cops are around. They shoukd all hang.

  5. Ya have to wonder if there wasn't something personal involved here. Pretty savage beatdown of a 150lb dude.

    1. Ever see a vid of a troop of chimpanzees attack a member of another troop? Evolution has left some residents of this planet behind....far behind.

    2. Rumor out of Memphis is he was screwing one of the cops wife.

    3. Then he should've divorced his wife.

    4. Right!!?!

      I have no idea why mfers wanna kill the guy - that dude isn't cheating on you & taking half your shit

      At least try & make it look like an accident yes? LOL


    5. Given how two of them held him up while a third delivered five bolo punches to the face bids me believe Anonymous's rumor is true.

  6. Memphis. And the reason they are rioting in Boston, New York and points south is?

    1. Look what happened to the last guy who fucked around and found out..........

  7. Anyone that criticizes these five fine policeman is guilty of cultural misappropriation. It is the worst kind of bigotry. One cannot demand that people of colour conduct themselves as though the are white. One must accept the African American culture at face value.

    1. Yup. If you put it to them as simply as that, they would just call you a racist. If you defend them and say they upheld proper policing standards, then it is policing itself that is racist. There is no possible set of circumstances where it is anything other than white people's fault. It is like the global warming psyop. Record heat is evidence of global warming. Record cold is also evidence of global warming. It gets old fast.

  8. I'm curious about how reckless was the guy's driving that it took 5 cops to stop him, and then he got them so angry that they beat him to death.

    1. He first ran in his vehicle then stopped for a red light. Which makes no sense, Memphians don’t stop for those…

  9. Why wouldn't that guy dop as the cops demanded and turned onto his belly and face down? They told him time after time to turn belly down. And did he? No. He kept rolled onto his side and talked back at them.

    1. Better question: Why didn't the FIVE cops just roll him over and handcuff him, then charge him with resisting arrest? You can't tell me that five cops couldn't handle that one skinny dude, but had to kick his ass for 5 solid minutes.

    2. Is there any reason an armed man would order you to lay face down on the ground or not to look at him, other than to have you at his mercy? Should anyone be able to have you at his mercy especially if you have not been convicted of a crime?
      So what, he rolled onto his side. He was not threat to 5 men, much less 5 armed men. Of course watching the video he did almost cause one to have a stroke/heart attack when he ran more than one block. It is well past time to put cops back on the leashes they belong on.

    3. Did you even watch the video? They yanked him out of the car without any chance to get out and cooperate. And the beat down was typical street thug style that we see in so many other beatings by the part of the population that represents 'diversity'.
      Note the ever popular football kicks to the head and body.
      I believe this is partially a result of the entire diversity, defund and demonize the cops movements. I I wonder how low the hiring, training and review processes have gotten to allow thugs like this to get hired and stay on the force.

    4. He had to be on something, he escaped 4 cops AND being tased & pepper sprayed the 1st time. Cops were pissed when they caught him but he still kept resisting. I get the first boot, but guy was finally down when they literally went ape on him. Still haven’t found the coroner’s report on cause of death, media just leads us to believe it was the beating. Maybe he received shitty medical care, took him 3 days to die?

  10. It's Trump's fault

  11. I'm all for them killing each other off, but damn, was like 5 gorillas beating a baboon...

  12. I don't care about any of these African-Americans. OR, should I say I do not care more about them than they do me.

  13. Black lives matter ! But apparently they do not matter much to other blacks .

  14. Immediately after they are found guilty, they need to be taken behind the courthouse and executed by a firing squad consisting of their chain of command including the chief and the mayor.
    Any of them who fail to shoot, or miss, should be shot as well.
    Or maybe they should be forced to beat these animals to death just like was done to Nichols.

  15. Obviously a "Diversionary Tactic!!!!"... 'Something else going on "They" don't want you to know about!!!!
    Just syin'


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