
Monday, January 30, 2023














  1. #3 would be a little disconcerting...

    1. As long as they are landing, and not taking off ...

    2. At least they aren't in the air.

    3. Just add more left rudder, she'll get off the ground.......

    4. New type of afterburner for fast take off?

  2. #10 they are happy they rolled the car into a ditch and landed on the wheels? Not sure I understand what is going on there.

    1. If this isn't staged, they are the dumber and dumbest of the stupid twins.

      Must be my old age but the last thing I'd be thinking of is a selfie.


  3. Replies
    1. The wing of a plane on fire - taken from inside the cabin.

    2. The fun part to that is the wings, at least on jumbos, are where the fuel tanks are.

    3. Every plane I've ever been in, large and small, has fuel tanks in the wings. Only exception I can think of were the little puddle jumpers made in the late forties that had a small headed tank located in front of the instrument panel. Crash one of them and you've got a fuel tank in your lap.

    4. Fuel tanks in the wings use otherwise wasted space, and put the weight of the fuel out where the wing spars don't have to transfer the load. Very long range aircraft will have fuel tanks in the fuselage _and_ the wings. I know of only two classes of airplanes that often didn't have fuel tanks in the wings at all: The ones with fabric-covered wings, and WWII fighters that needed the space in the wings for machine guns and ammo belts. And in those cases, the fuel tank was either right in front of the pilot or right behind him.

  4. #10 any landing you can walk away from is a good landing

  5. #3 would be a lot worse with sky in the background.

  6. #10 That is the kid that lives across the street. The boy is the youngest with 3 older sisters. When he turned 16 his dad bought him a GMC 4x4 pickup. It lasted about 6 months before he rolled it. The next car was an Infinity that he took on a high speed trip through the woods when he lost control of it. He is now 17 and his dad bought him a BMW 4 series. All three were new cars.

    Some people make too much money.

    1. A gal from highschool:

      Dad got a new Porche every year. For the 16th birthday of his precious princess, she got a one year old Porche. It was wrecked within the month. So she got her mom's late model Jaguar. Same result.

      I knew another gal who destroyed seven cars in 4 months. All single vehicle rollovers on the same curve. Surprisingly, she lived throught all of them although four put her in the hospital.

    2. Daughter's friend in high school, Dad bought her a brand new Audi A4 convertible, I actually wanted one, but could not afford it. Yep, she wrecked it, ran into the back of another car at 50 mph.
      I found out later, Dad worked in another state as a big time lawyer.

  7. #6 Very efficient...if he ever needs to adjust it, the ladder is already there.

  8. My bud doing a donut in a 64 Ford Pickup. The steering went to lock, both front tires pushed off the rims, and a local telephone pole hit dead center. He broke 5 teeth on the steering wheel, and I went into the windshield. This looks really familiar.... His lip was stuck to his braces, and my head bled a whole lot more, but.... familiar!!

  9. #8 I stopped eating ice cream because it was so damn hard which I figured was no cream. I was reading a container of supposed ice cream one day and it said frozen dessert. I thought what ta hell. I looked at several brands and all said frozen dessert. Ice cream is made with cream. Frozen dessert is made with vegetable oils.


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