
Monday, January 30, 2023

No Boston Terriers for you!

The National Government for the Netherlands is proposing a ban on dogs with flat faces and cats with folded ears or animals that suffer major health issues due to their appearance.

"We make life miserable for innocent animals, purely because we think they are 'beautiful' and 'cute,'" Dutch Agriculture Minister Piet Adema said in a statement last Friday. 


  1. These things always amaze me. It is like all of the important problems in life have been solved so now it is time to fix the trivial ones. Or maybe the important problems can't be solved or are too difficult so we will focus on the trivial because we have to be seen as doing something.

  2. They should include people in that proposal. Adios Nancy, Whoopie and Joy.

  3. Legislating morality never works. Ask a prostitute.

  4. Hey, leave those poor Dutchmen alone.
    This at least is a decision the Dutch can make themselves.
    All other decisions for them are made by the EU, things like "growing food is bad for the planet so shut down your farming". "Building houses is bad for the planet, so no more building". "Heating homes is bad for the planet, so no more heat". "Here are a few hundred thousand more 'refugees', so you you better feed them, house them and keep them warm".

  5. It's a Dutch thing. Along with encouraging people to euthanize their children with Down's Syndome and adults suffering from being less than attractive and perfectly healthy. For the good of society. Now it's dog aesthetics.

  6. They came for the farmers first, now pets (list will be longer then claimed), next will be livestock and after that it will be urban people.

  7. Some breeds, such as bulldogs, have been selectively bred to the point they can't breath properly because breeders want a certain 'look.'

  8. Thank god my half Boston Terrier, half Basset Hound mix, doesn't have a flat face... We're headed there... never.

  9. Pugs are popular in the Netherlands and historically important there. Wonder how they are going to handle that.

  10. There won't ever be a feral pack of Boston Terriers or English Bulldogs attacking people.


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