
Friday, January 13, 2023

More than 70% of all guns stolen in 2022 taken from vehicles, Nashville police say

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) — Over 1,000 guns ended up in the wrong hands last year after being stolen from vehicles in Nashville — many of which police said were “easy targets.”


Think it might be because of all the 'No Guns Allowed' signs plastered on the doors of businesses all over Nashville? A man's gotta leave his gun somewhere while he's inside, doesn't he?
If they were to dig a little deeper, I'd be willing to bet that vehicle gun thefts go down in the winter when outer clothing allows better concealment of guns, allowing people to carry their weapons undetected in those anti-2A shops.


  1. When I see a "No Guns" sign I just cover it a little more. Fuquem.

  2. I've read that thieves target vehicles with NRA stickers, pro-gun stickers, gun logo stickers, hunting themed stickers, and republican candidate stickers at malls, sporting events, and even near court houses for the reason cited above. As soon as I read that, out came the window scraper and off went the NRA sticker.

    Some things we just shouldn't advertise.

    1. High time to get rid of any and all of that political/lifestyle advertisements on your vehicle. It does you not one bit of good, changes nobody's opinion, and can only be used by the enemy to identify and target you. Remember, there is no voting our way out of this mess, so why are we trying to convert the driver behind us at the traffic light?

    2. Back in 2020, I would have a magnetic large Trump sign on my tailgate, just to piss off leftist lunatics. Mostly received thumbs up but a few one finger salutes. Hybo

  3. Except for the VA, all those signs are irrelevant suggestions. At this point in life, with too many surgeries on knees, elbows, back, I'd be hard pressed to fight my way out of a wet paper bag. Think I'll stick with appropriate equalizers.

  4. The only good thing about winter is that it makes CCW easier.
    And I don't do business with people that put up that stupid fucking sign.

  5. "And I don't do business with people that put up that stupid fucking sign."

    Where I live that sign means nothing. If they see that you are carrying, all they can do is ask you to leave. This won't happen to me because I don't go into establishments with that sign, period.

    1. Well, you'd think that would be good enough for most states, but Tennessee had to make it a criminal offense, with a $200 fine.

    2. Sounds like Tennessee modeled their laws after Texas.

  6. After we got constitutional carry here we had a rash of no guns signs for a while. Then, supposedly, some lawyers started contacting business owners and telling them that the signs made them legally liable if someone got hurt because they complied with the sign and insurance likely wouldn't cover it. It would be a shame if you got sued to oblivion. No gun signs are pretty rare now.

  7. I ignore the no guns allowed. If I need my gun I will use my gun.

  8. Hmm. Might be better than, “I lost them in a boating accident.”

    1. Not sure I want to explain to the PO-leece or the ATF why I'm in possession of a stolen firearm.

  9. I have yet to see a sign of a 1911. Since I don't carry a revolver or berratta I don't have to worry and when I do carry a revolver all the signs say I can't have one with a hammer. Mines hammerless
    Backwoods Okie

  10. A boating accident is "lost" gun, not stolen.

    Reply to them, I was able to retrieve this one lone lucky gun....



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