
Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Putin ally says West's deliveries of new weapons to Kyiv will lead to global catastrophe

(Reuters) - A close ally of President Vladimir Putin said on Sunday that deliveries of offensive weapons to Kyiv that threaten Russia's territories will lead to a global catastrophe and make arguments against using weapons of mass destruction untenable. 


  1. god damn these stupid fuckers. for the handful of assholes who think thus is a "good idea"
    why don't they go over there and fight ?
    if congress doesn't stop this madness, we are going to get fucked big time.
    forget about a election in 2024, we might not be around to see 2024

  2. US to buy military hardware from Aphganistan, left there by the US, to send to Ukraine.
    Next week's headlines today.

    1. Word is Putin is trying to buy it.

    2. The vast majority of that military equipment predates Obama.

  3. More tax dollars down a rat hole. And worse, this can cause a war! But don’t worry, FJB and his cronies will be headed towards the bunker.

  4. 'Russian territories'.
    Does that include DC?
    I know Putin invested a lot of money in the DNC so I bet you DC is included.

    1. Nah, Israel and China own DC. Russia is too White and Christian.

  5. The tanks what done it...

  6. Bring on the Nuclear armageddon. Once the human species is extinct the planet will be a perfect paradise.

  7. Better get more popcorn, this is gunna get fun!!!!

  8. The Soviets were often telling us that building the US military was going to cause world war whatever. Their rhetoric ha always been insane on such things.

    Modern tanks are bad. For Russia. Ukraine has the right to defend herself. We have been sending support, but we are not involved, no matter how much the the little rodent masquerading as Russian president whines about it.

    He can end the war tomorrow. he just has to get his thugs and equipment out of all of Ukraine. If he doesn't, his failures are on his own head and he'd better have a place to run to, because his life won't be worth a nickle sized slug otherwise.

    1. Damn dude, troll much?

      Steve in KY

    2. Don't worry chicken swinger, Putin has your number!

      Chutes Magoo

    3. Hi Aesop, hiding behind Anonymous again?

    4. I'll give ya a hint -- we aint the good guys here

    5. We ain't the bad guys, either. Putin's the one who's invaded various neighbors over the years with the avowed aim of restoring Russian greatness, which obviously means rebuilding the old empire (whether tsarist or Soviet, both were terrible). Ukraine is corrupt and the government thuggish. Russia's corrupt and its government even more thuggish. Since when is it cool to publicly fellate Russian dictators and be proud of it?

  9. It's called Kiev, unless you're a socialist democrat.

  10. "I dinna know that tank was loaded" says Putin_on_the_lies

  11. global catastrophe
    I think that's the real but unacknowledged goal. At least from the Us/NATO/WEF/IMF viewpoint.

  12. He's not "an associate" of Putin. He's trained monkey on a leash. He says what Putin wants him to say. So this is not anyone's words but Putin himself. And as lifelong liar and deceiver trained to intimidate others into compliance, this is all about scaring you. You're being punked.

    1. The news/info "Russia" has put out is demonstrably truer/more accurate than anything Natostan/The West has put out. There is a long, public, traceable record.

    2. russia claims to have destroyed a dozen M2 Bradleys already...we haven't even delivered them yet.

      russia claims to have destroyed 36 HIMARS...which is odd, because we've only delivered 12, and they seem to still keep shooting rockets.

      russia claims to have shot down the ukranian airforce down 5 times over...which is weird, because they're still flying missions.

      but yeah, tell us all about that accuracy......

    3. Allen, now do the 'hero of Kiev', drone delivery of grenades on RU troops, Uke Stingers fired from helicopters point blank into enemy helicopters, RU tank battalions captured.

      This war is a money laundering propaganda fest.

  13. Draft going to reinstated and ya all blue haired 18 year old's gonna get to fight for "Muy Democracy".

  14. Can any of you patriotic anti Putin people tell me just what America has to gain by sending money and arms to Ukraine? I don't mean what Biden and rich Democrats have to gain, I mean America as a nation? Because I am of the Vietnam war generation, and I saw the repeat in Afghanistan, and I damn sure don't like seeing it repeated yet a third time, with asshole politicians putting their nose and our resources into some other nation's business, which could eventually lead to us losing our own citizens lives.
    I am fully aware of Putin's reputation, and of his actual history. I am also aware that he is much more intellectually and emotionally stable than the current resident of our White House, the man who has his finger on the trigger of OUR stockpile of nuclear weapons. Putin does not want a nuclear war, or even a conflict with America, at least not a shooting conflict. But with the provocations that Biden and company continue to place in his path, we are making it almost inevitable. Because Putin WILL defeat Ukraine, the question is, what will he have to do in order to defeat them? The more Biden gives Ukraine, the more that it will take Russia to defeat them. Do you understand it now?

    1. I agree. We are at a low intensity economic war with Russia now and TPTB seem intent on ratcheting up the heat. I wonder how good Russian intelligence is on our elections. Easiest way to cripple the US would be to release proof of voting fraud and watch us tear ourselves apart. If that doesn't do it, create a false flag Henry Bowman event to touch things off.

      We were doing biological warfare research in Ukraine, how would we react to another country doing the same in Canada, Mexico or Cuba? Let's not even mention money laundering for the Xiden crime family or the shelling of ethnic Russians in Donbas for 8 years. Let's say Mexico were to annex San Diego and we let it go, then they started shelling Anglo areas and hunting down Anglos, how would we feel? The only exports I've seen for Ukraine are grain and human trafficking. The kid sniffer needs his supply lines secure. Look at how the Ukraine has outlawed the Church and political opponents.

      40 years ago in Military History 101 I was taught Russia would go to war if NATO ever allowed a boarder state to join. Hey look, it's true.

    2. Agreed, we've never had a situation in history where a megalomaniac with his back to the wall had access to nuclear weapons.
      I don't care about Ukraine THAT much.

    3. The only question any American should be asking themselves at this point is does this benefit main street Americans, if the answer is 'no' then fuck it. Our 'nation' (rainbow economic zone) is crumbling in real time while we are being invaded by (mostly) un armed foriegners. We are closer to a nuke war now than when the USSR held E. Germany. Half of Ukraine is not the end of the world, though continuing on this path may be.

    4. Putin's back is no more to the wall than Hirohito's was in 1941. Jeezuz. Putin can end this tomorrow by pulling out of Ukraine. Russia's not going to fall because they stop invading their neighbors while threatening everybody else. Has everyone lost their fucking sense of proportion and logic?

    5. I read a thing the other day where the author said this war really started back in 2014 when the US replaced the freely elected Ukrainian govt that was friendly to Russia with one that was not.
      I think the author was on to something!

  15. russian propaganda for dummies

    russian wordl/russian peace/rusky mir is a hell of a drug....

  16. Why is Big Sister making this, this, the current day's, two minute hate?

    Have patriots done anything about pædorapists? Foreign "regime change", of "their" lands? Looting of their posterity?

    Or do the heroes of Dresden, the heroes of Hiroshima, the heroes of COVID, need a shiny, new, shibboleth? To ride their La-Z-Boys, to glory!

  17. When factual information about a situation is difficult to find, I use a simple method to determine what to believe. I look at who supports and who opposes it. In the case of Ukraine, Soros, Brandon, every scumbag in Congress, all the lefty morons and the media are all in on the side of Ukraine. Makes it pretty clear to me.

  18. Bingo.
    Also all the military/industrial complex owned Rino bastards.


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