
Friday, January 06, 2023

Remember Her Name



  1. No matter what article I read about her being murdered, I still do not understand why she was shot and why the shooter wasnt charged. I find this very strange. Strange like nothing being done about Hunter Biden's laptop, etc.

    1. The purpose of the U.S. Government and its employees today isn't to protect the rights and lives of the citizens, it's to protect the U.S. Government and its employees.
      Sad fact.

  2. I think we are fools to buy that she isn't an asset. Jan 6 was a HSEEP operation buy the FED Coats.
    There is evidence the entire event was full of crisis actors. INCLUDING Ashely. We are simple minded fools. Lets grow up and recognize these events are contrived to build narratives that DO NOT SERVE US. Thank you God Bless our efforts to Liberate ourselves from TYRANNY. I love ya'll I love Freedom. Let's win this fight!

  3. You forgot the second woman killed! Her name is Rosanne Boyland.

  4. i have her name on my truck." ashli babbitt - say her name." along with "benghazi- blood on their hands" and "have you hugged your assault rifle today?" yeah, may as well paint a bullseye on the roof too.

    1. In ten days is Robt. Lavoy Finicum day of remembrance. You got his name on your truck?

    2. not yet. i need a catch phrase to go along with it like maybe "murdered by fbi". yeah, i need to get that on order to the sign shop. thanks.

  5. I can only go so far into conspiracies. So I will have to just say Ashli Babbitt.

  6. Posted on GAB. Until the SOB who shot her is prosecuted and jailed, there will be no justice.


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