
Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Roll him up and move him out

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (TND) — They showed up to save a man's life, but they're accused of taking it. 

Two emergency medical workers in central Illinois are charged with first-degree murder and the reason has to do with how they placed a 35-year-old man who was in distress.


  1. They deal with many nasty stew-bum, addicts weekly and this one just made 'em snap. I applaud them, but the Liberal judicial system will fuck them up real bad. The only solution is to stay out of a L.O. and E.M.T. career. Instead you should go for being the CEO of a Bit Coin trading scam. After all Sam Bankman-Fried will get way less jail time than these two folks.

  2. There is no reason to put him face down and then put a backboard on and strap him down. Murder, indeed.

    1. Depends on the situation. The report did not give enough details as to the issues the dead guy was having that caused him to be EMTed, so we just don't know.

    2. Interesting way of stating you have ZERO experience in EMS....... I can think of a half-dozen reasons for securing someone prone (face-down) on a stretcher..... and have done so in the past. I agree with Beans that the article doesn't give enough information and, at least in TX, First degree usually requires intent (or victim in special population - child, First Responder, etc)

    3. No mention of a back board being added to the straps.

      If so, you'd have a point. Unless I missed it in the article, just straps


  3. I don't know why they strapped him down on his chest, but it may have been a fear of him vomitting and choking on his vomit. I remember several famous musicians dying from overdosing and being transported on their backs. Why strap him down - to prevent him from falling off the gurney while being lifted from domicile to ambulance. Sometimes, the gurney has be routed through places where lifting and twisting the gurney (like moving a sofa through halls and small crowded spaces) has to be done.

    i wasn't there and have no idea if these were part of the circumstances. I express my condolences for the young man's family and the families of the EMT workers. No one won that day.

  4. "Bail for Cadigan and Finley was set at $1 million."

    Because they're white and established in the community and not likely to flee?
    What happened to Prickster's "Zero Bail" that was supposed to start on the first of January?


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