
Monday, January 30, 2023

Something doesn't add up here

Nearly three-quarters of assailants used guns to carry out mass-casualty attacks between 2016 and 2020, according to a study released by the federal government Wednesday.


Approximately three-quarters of attackers used a handgun, while roughly one-third wielded a long gun.


  1. And a full ZERO% of the shooters were responsible gun owners.
    That for the left is 100% reason to take their guns away.

  2. "There are three kinds of lies - lies, damn lies, and statistics." - Benjamin Disraeli (also attributed to Mark Twain and others). Remember, these are the folks in control of our money and our economy - "math majors"....LOL

    1. We still have an economy? Who knew....

    2. Yeah, pretty much a sensationalized hit piece that give no useful information or background on where their data comes from so we can check on their story either. What one would expect to find in a CBS repo\rt....aimed at Liberals to rile up the "We MUST Do SOMETHING!!" crowd....You know, the Liberals that think that permanently taking a way a freedom for some temporary security is a good idea.

    3. I had a book titled, How To Lie With Statistics. A thick book, it was written by a professor of economics. It was suggested reading material in an economics class.

    4. 67.3% of statistics are made up on the spot.

  3. CBS; I wouldn't expect quality reporting. You'll have to look up the actual SS report to see what's really. I would think they meant that OF THE ATTACKS USING FIREARMS, 3/4 used handguns, while 1/3 used a long gun. The apparent overlap would be attackers using both. But who knows because farther down the idiots manage to claim that almost 1/4 of all attacks involved firearms.

  4. What kind of guns did the Pfizer people use?
    Mass casualty events have to cover Died Suddenly, but not from guns.

  5. Some attackers used both. What's the overlap? 12-13%? Yeah, that sounds about right.

  6. It's 13/12ths. What don't you understand?

  7. The other 18.284 percent used knives. Hello Snack Bar.

  8. And 99% where killed with a needle. While the other 1% were killed with a ventilator. 100% of the killers were motivated by making a buck.

  9. Hands & feet cause far more deaths than long guns category that includes Armalite Rifles ARs to lefties

    600 deaths by hands/ft
    364 by long gun
    3326 handgun or unidentified

    Blacks commit over 50% of violent crimes & for homicides per 100k (2019)
    Blks 19.8
    Hisp 6.4
    Finland 3.3
    Canada 1.8
    Whites usa 1.7
    We don't have a gun problem..
    We have a people problem


    1. A talking point that just won't go away is some variable of, 'more children die from being shot than any other cause'.

      How Leninist of them: 'said often enough, lie becomes the truth'.

  10. If it's the same study I saw mentioned in the news, half of the gun wielding assailants had mental problems.....duh.

  11. Its that common core new math.
    That plus, whatever comes out of their mouf must be true.
    The corollary is the people are so dumb that they'll believe anything.


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