
Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Tuesday gifdump












  1. 10) Un gato cabreado ...

    1. #10 I was probably 25 living in the country. I saw some stuff laying in the yard. It ended up being tiny kittens. Barnyard kittens. Like a fool I picked one up. Man that thing was like a buzzsaw. I tried to throw it down and like a booger that won't come off that lil bastard was biting and scratching away. A blur like on cartoons. Finally I got shed of it. I looked over at the barn and there was Mama. Mean looking, ears tore off and a big ol tumor of some kind growing over one eye.

    2. @Bright Eyes hahahahahahahahahhahah

  2. #10 Street Kangals or Kangal mix. Cat gets inside on them too quick & w/total ferocity. If it lets up even a bit it could be in trouble. Alpha Cat.

  3. #3 odd little car
    #10. that cat can come to my house any time.

  4. Quite a bit of street cat.

  5. I have some ferals that I feed; 2 black & 1 grey tuxies. Neighborhood dogs bark furiously at them, but keep their distance.


  6. #10 I had a cat like that once. Was a stray that wondered in and we kept. Cat was very protective of our yard.

  7. I am not a cat person, but my ex wife was. She had a cat that had kittens under out house, via a vent that was notched in a block. We lived in town, of our 1,000 person, 1 square mile little village.
    I went outside one day and stood next to the vent, and a kitten came out and stood on my foot, looking up at me. I bent over and picked it up, and that tiny little, cute kitten sank it's teeth in the web of my hand, between my thumb and first finger.
    I calmly set it down, went inside and got my .22 rifle, and moved my lawn chair to the yard, and waited. I waited for each of those kittens to come out of the hole, and shot each of them, and put them in a box and disposed of them.
    I know, I was a rotten bastard, but I was still oozing blood when I got the last of the kittens. I didn't kill the momma cat, but to be honest, I can't remember what happened with her. It was around 40 years ago. I just looked and I still have a scar from that kitten. I also know that it is not acceptable for someone to be cruel and heartless enough to kill tiny helpless little kittens.
    I am reminded of a comedian who I heard when I was going through divorce, who said that the military should get men like that to fight their wars. Because the not only didn't care about anything, but because of how women and the courts treated them, they were willing to kill just about anything, with no concern of their own safety. It was sort of funny at the time, but it also rang true. And I was one of the nice guys.

    1. But foreign soldiers weren't the ones that took half their shit.

    2. I personally can't stand cats. When I lived in town a neighbor had a cat that pissed on our porch all the time. Once that happened all the cats pissed on our porch. I tried to be polite and talked to the city about it but they didn't give a crap. I ended up catching and shooting about a dozen or more. I put camouflage netting over a havaheart trap and put a tin of tuna in it. Worked every nite until there were no more cats. Every morning I would take the trap with me to the job site and shoot the things. Inside cats are one thing, outside cats another.

    3. That's some pretty fucked up shit. I could see shooting the one that bit you, but calmly waiting for the rest is dark. Glad I don't know you.

    4. I like cats...scattered, covered, smothered and chunked.

    5. The only good cat is a cat that's been dead for a week.

  8. My old man had a GSP that killed any cat that wandered into our yard, feral or no. We kept him kenneled when we were gone just for that reason. Very strong prey drive. He also never seemed to learn to leave porcupines alone while upland bird hunting.

    Sweet, sweet dog, though, and lots of good memories of him locked on point over roosters. When he got cancer, my parents put him down when I was away at college. Always let your kids say goodbye to childhood pets, even after they move out.

  9. Number 3
    rock on dude

    1. When I took Auto Shop in trade school in 10th grade, we had the frame from a Ford station wagon that had a 390 3-on-the-tree in it, with the frame cut down to about 10 feet, a bench seat out of a bus, and no body on it. Ultimate fucking go-kart. The only way to move it in a straight line was to take off in 3rd at an idle; otherwise you just turned endless doughnuts (which was a hoot, admittedly). Couldn't get away with that shit now, in our pussified society; 1980 was very different, and I say better.
      --Tennessee Budd

  10. For all of you here that think killing an animal for fun, out of anger, or out of spite, or from just dislike, i honestly believe you should also be treated the exact same way. Only given a 5 minute head start to be fair. Frigg’n scum are the likes of you


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