
Monday, February 20, 2023

Commentary: The Sudden Dominance of the Diversity Industrial Complex

Little more than a decade ago, DEI was just another arcane acronym, a clustering of three ideas, each to be weighed and evaluated against other societal values. The terms diversity, equity, and inclusion weren’t yet being used in the singular, as one all-inclusive, non-negotiable moral imperative. Nor had they coalesced into a bureaucratic juggernaut running roughshod over every aspect of national life. 

They are now.


  1. we have so much money that we can pay people to complain that we dont think and behave like them

  2. Welcome to the Soviet States of America.

  3. A reasonable and in-depth look at the subject. Kudos to the author - and to you for posting it!

  4. ...and yesterday, just before he left for the EU, Bribem issued and EO ordering all .gov agencies and department to submit their plans to create DEI from top to bottom in in the next 30 days. So, another hiring spree to spend more, I was going to write tax dollars but taxes don't support spending levels and haven't even in the distant past, borrowed money on people that suck on the .gov teat and don't produce squat.

    The people they hire for these positions will all be minorities with advanced degrees in otherwise unmarketable curriculum's. My state .gov did the same thing in 2020 to "ensure the equitable distribution of Covid treatment and the jab".

    Not a freakin' one of them was white, most of them were female ('cause feels and shit) and all had advanced degrees in any unmarketable degree you care to name.

    DEI is just another way to spend money we don't have going toward crashing the economy through MORE rampant inflation.



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