
Thursday, February 16, 2023

‘Conservatives Need Not Apply’ Under Biden Administration’s Proposed Hiring Rules

In a move that has gotten little notice in the press, the Biden administration is proposing federal hiring rules that easily could be abused to deny employment to anyone who questions liberal, woke policies, criticizes the government, or belongs to a politically incorrect organization.


  1. That's already true. Members of the US military are not allowed to notice race based behavior differences, express a preference for their own kind, hold any opinion critical of the entire LGBTQ+ spectrum (as amended on a daily basis) or question if their commander in chief is senile.

    1. Raise your hand if you remember Obama culling conservatives out of the military ranked colonel or above. That's how you get General Milleys.

  2. "politically incorrect" organizations:
    #1 Any Christian Church or affiliated organization
    #2 Republican party
    #3 Any Church at all. Except ragheads, satanists, etc.
    #4 Any conservative or small-government organization
    #5 Is white or male.

    How stupid do they think we are to let that slide? (Don't answer that!)

  3. Why would anyone want to work for the government? Oh, that's right - you don't have what it takes to compete and thrive in the private sector and the idea of "working" is just treated like a pathway to drawing a public pension. I say embrace the colored-hair crowd and hire 100% of them to work in the government. The way that government spending and over-reach is proceeding, it shouldn't be much longer before the whole crapshow implodes, and then these parasites will be rendered irrelevant forever.

  4. Every so often I think of running for state or fed political office. I would campaign as a socialist, er, demoncrat. Then once elected and after securing a seat on committees, I'd hoist my flag and show my true colors.

    Why not, its a favorite tactic.

  5. First they marginalize anyone they don't like. Then they demonize them. Then they exterminate them. Unless we exterminate them first. There can be no coexistence with them and it's high time we accept that reality and act accordingly.

  6. lost my federal contracting job (near DC) the day the "election" was certified. known DJT supporter in area 90% for FJB ... and me being a minority (there)


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